Excel Add-In for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Obtains the OAuth authorization URL for authentication with various Xero services.


Name Type Required Description
CallbackURL String False This field determines where the response is sent. This value is only necessary if you have registered your own app. This URL must have the same domain as the OAuth callback domain specified in the Xero Developer Portal.
Scope String False The space-separated list of scopes you are requesting from Xero. By default all scopes are requested.
State String False A state token to include in the authorization URL. Not included by default.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
URL String The URL to complete user authentication.
AuthToken String A token used as input for the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to verify the request and get the OAuth Access Token.
AuthKey String A key used as input for the GetOAuthAccessToken stored procedure to verify the request and get the OAuth Access Token.
PKCEVerifier String A random value used as input for GetOAuthAccessToken in the PKCE flow.

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Build 24.0.8963