Power BI Connector for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Query, insert and update payruns for a Xero organisation.


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
PayRunID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier of the payrun. This field is assigned by Xero.

PayrollCalendarID String False

The status of the payrun. Valid values are ACTIVE and DELETED.

PayRunPeriodStartDate String False

Period Start Date for the PayRun.

PayRunPeriodEndDate String False

Period End Date for the PayRun.

PayRunStatus String False

The status of the payrun.

PaymentDate String False

Payment Date for the PayRun.

PayslipMessage String False

Payslip message for the PayRun.

Wages Decimal False

Total Wages for the PayRun.

Deductions Decimal False

Total Deduction for the PayRun.

Tax Decimal False

Total Tax for the PayRun.

Super Decimal False

Total Super for the PayRun.

Reimbursement Decimal False

Total Reimbursement for the PayRun.

NetPay Decimal False

Total NetPay for the PayRun.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

Timestamp of the last change to the payrun record.

Payslip String False

The payslip for this pay run in XML format.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 24.0.8963