本製品 はXero のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData Excel Add-In for Xero テーブル
Name | Description |
Employees | Query, insert and update employees for a Xero organisation. |
LeaveApplications | Query, insert and update Leave Applications for a Xero organisation. |
PayItemsDeductions | Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation. |
PayItemsEarnings | Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation. |
PayItemsLeave | Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation. |
PayItemsReimbursements | Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation. |
PayrollCalendars | Query, insert and update Payroll Calendars for a Xero organisation. |
PayRuns | Query, insert and update payruns for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipDeductions | Query payslip deduction line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipEarnings | Query payslip earning line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipLeaveAccrual | Query payslip leave accrual line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipReimbursements | Query payslip reimbursements line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipSuperannuations | Query payslip superannuation line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipTaxes | Query payslip tax line-items for a Xero organisation. |
PaySlipTimesheetEarnings | Query payslip timesheet-earnings line-items for a Xero organisation. |
SuperFunds | Query, insert and update add and update Payroll Super Funds in a Xero organisation. |
Timesheets | Query, insert and update Timesheets for a Xero organisation. |