Query the line items in journals for a Xero organisation.
Table Specific Information
The Journals view allows you to SELECT the journal lines in journals for a Xero organization. The Id column is generated by the connector; this value combines the index of the line item with the unique, Xero-generated JournalId.
Optimized Filters and High Volume Thresholds
The Xero API defines a list of optimized filters for certain tables and views. If any query filter not included in this list is applied to any such table or view, and the number of records available in that table or view exceeds a certain value (what Xero calls a "high volume threshold"), the Xero API will block the query.
To avoid the rejection of your queries by the Xero API, if the the number of records in your table or view exceed the high volume threshold, make sure to use filters from the list of optimized filters.
Note that the high volume threshold, as well as the exact list of optimized filters, is subject to change as Xero updates its API.
The Journals view has a high volume threshold of 100. The Xero API does not list any optimized filters for this view.
The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.
Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The journal line index combined with the unique Xero identifier of the journal. |
JournalId | String | The unique Xero identifier of the journal. |
JournalDate | Date | The date the journal was posted. |
JournalNumber | Integer | The journal number, assigned by Xero. |
CreatedDateUTC | Datetime | The date the journal was entered in the system. |
Reference | String | A reference value. |
SourceId | String | The identifier for the source transaction (e.g. InvoiceId). |
SourceType | String | The journal source type. The type of transaction that created the journal. (e.g ACCREC, ACCPAY, ACCRECCREDIT) |
JournalLine_JournalLineId | String | The unique Xero identifier of the journal line item. |
JournalLine_Description | String | The description of the journal line item. |
JournalLine_AccountId | String | The account associated with the line item in the journal. |
JournalLine_AccountCode | String | Customer-defined alphanumeric account code; e.g, 200 or SALES. |
JournalLine_AccountType | String | The type of the account; e.g., BANK, CURRENT, or CRRLIAB. |
JournalLine_AccountName | String | The name of the account. |
JournalLine_NetAmount | Decimal | The net amount of the line item. This value is positive for debits and negative for credits. |
JournalLine_GrossAmount | Decimal | The net amount plus the tax amount. |
JournalLine_TaxAmount | Decimal | The total tax on a journal line. |
JournalLine_TaxType | String | The type of the tax rate, which varies by country. User-defined tax rates have a TaxType of TAX001, TAX002, etc. |
JournalLine_TaxName | String | A name that identifies the tax type. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory1_CategoryId | String | The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory1_CategoryName | String | The name of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory1_OptionId | String | The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory1_OptionName | String | The option of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory1_Option_Stat | String | The status of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory2_CategoryId | String | The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory2_CategoryName | String | The name of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory2_OptionId | String | The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory2_OptionName | String | The option of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
LineItem_TrackingCategory2_Option_Stat | String | The status of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined. |
TenantId | String | The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
ModifiedAfter | String | If set, only journals created or modified since this timestamp will be returned e.g. 2009-11-12T00:00:00. |
PaymentsOnly | Boolean | Set this to true to get cash transactions only. |
Offset | Int | If provided, only journals with a higher JournalNumber will be returned. |