Query organisation data for a Xero organisation.
Table Specific Information
The organization view allows you to SELECT organization data for a Xero organization.
The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.
Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.
Name | Type | Description |
ShortCode [KEY] | String | A unique identifier for the organisation. |
APIKey | String | Unique APIKey for Xero-to-Xero transactions. |
Name | String | Display name of the organisation shown in Xero. |
LegalName | String | Organisation name shown on reports. |
PaysTax | Boolean | Whether the organisation is registered with a local tax authority. |
Version | String | The version of Xero used by the organisation. |
BaseCurrency | String | Default currency for the organisation. |
CountryCode | String | Country code for the organisation. |
IsDemoCompany | String | Whether the organisation is a demo company. |
OrganisationStatus | String | Will be set to ACTIVE if you can connect to the organisation via the Xero API. |
RegistrationNumber | String | The registration number for NZ, AU, and UK organisations. |
TaxNumber | String | Tax number of the organisation. |
FinancialYearEndDay | String | Financial year end day of the organisation. For example, 1-31. |
FinancialYearEndMonth | String | Financial year end month of the organisation. For example, 1-12. |
PeriodLockDate | Date | Period lock date of the organisation. |
EndOfYearLockDate | Date | End of year lock date of the organisation. |
CreatedDateUTC | Datetime | Timestamp of when the organisation was created in Xero. |
UpdatedDateUTC | Datetime | Timestamp of the last change to the user record. |
OrganisationEntityType | String | The entity type of the organisation. For example, COMPANY. |
Timezone | String | The time zone for the organisation. |
Edition | String | BUSINESS or PARTNER. Parnter edition organizations have restricted functionality. |
LineOfBusiness | String | Description of business type of the organisation. |
Street_AddressLine1 | String | The street address line 1. |
Street_AddressLine2 | String | The street address line 2. |
Street_AddressLine3 | String | The street address line 3. |
Street_AddressLine4 | String | The street address line 4. |
Street_City | String | The street address city. |
Street_PostalCode | String | The street address postal code. |
Street_Country | String | The street address country. |
Street_Region | String | The street address region. |
Street_AttentionTo | String | The street address attention-to line. |
POBox_AddressLine1 | String | The PO box address line 1. |
POBox_AddressLine2 | String | The PO box address line 2. |
POBox_AddressLine3 | String | The PO box address line 3. |
POBox_AddressLine4 | String | The PO box address line 4. |
POBox_City | String | The PO box address city. |
POBox_PostalCode | String | The PO box address postal code. |
POBox_Country | String | The PO box address country. |
POBox_Region | String | The PO box address region. |
POBox_AttentionTo | String | The PO box address attention-to line. |
DDI_PhoneNumber | String | The DDI phone number. |
DDI_PhoneAreaCode | String | The DDI area code. |
DDI_PhoneCountryCode | String | The DDI country code. |
Default_PhoneNumber | String | The default phone number. |
Default_PhoneAreaCode | String | The default area code. |
Default_PhoneCountryCode | String | The default country code. |
Fax_PhoneNumber | String | The fax phone number. |
Fax_PhoneAreaCode | String | The fax area code. |
Fax_PhoneCountryCode | String | The fax country code. |
Mobile_PhoneNumber | String | The mobile phone number. |
Mobile_PhoneAreaCode | String | The mobile area code. |
Mobile_PhoneCountryCode | String | The mobile country code. |
Facebook_URL | String | The URL to the Facebook page of the organisation. |
Twitter_URL | String | The URL to the Twitter page of the organisation. |
GooglePlus_URL | String | The URL to the Google Plus page of the organisation. |
LinkedIn_URL | String | The URL to the LinkedIn page of the organisation. |
Website_URL | String | A URL to the website of the organisation. |
PaymentTerms_Bills_Day | String | Default payment terms for bills (days). |
PaymentTerms_Bills_Type | String | Default payment terms for bills (type). |
PaymentTerms_Sales_Day | String | Default payment terms for sales (days). |
PaymentTerms_Sales_Type | String | Default payment terms for sales (type). |
TenantId | String | The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant |