SSIS Components for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Usage information for the operation BankTransfers.rsd.

Table Specific Information

The BankTransfers table allows you to SELECT and INSERT bank transfers for a Xero organization.


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


To insert a single row, set the required fields. A new table object is created as a single entry. The following fields are required for inserts: FromBankAccount_Code, ToBankAccount_Code, and Amount

INSERT INTO BankTransfers (FromBankAccount_Code, ToBankAccount_Code, Amount) VALUES ('3d08fd48-434d-4c18-a57b-831663ab70d2', 'ceef65a5-a545-423b-9312-78a53caadbc4', '1000.00')


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BankTransferId [KEY] String True

The unique, Xero-assigned identifier for the bankTransfer.

FromBankAccount_Code String False

The bank account code that you will be sending from.

FromBankAccount_AccountId String False

The bank account account Id that you will be sending from.

FromBankAccount_Name String False

The bank account name that you will be sending from.

ToBankAccount_Code String False

The bank account code that you will be sending to.

ToBankAccount_AccountId String False

The bank account account Id that you will be sending to.

ToBankAccount_Name String False

The bank account name that you will be sending to.

Amount Decimal False

The amount of the money to transfer.

Date Date False

The date of the transfer YYYY-MM-DD.

CurrencyRate Decimal True

The currency rate.

FromBankTransactionID String True

The Bank Transaction ID for the source account.

ToBankTransactionID String True

The Bank Transaction ID for the destination account.

HasAttachments Boolean True

Boolean to indicate if a Bank Transfer has an attachment.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 24.0.8963