Power BI Connector for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Query payslip leave accrual line-items for a Xero organisation.

Table Specific Information

This table supports the following operators server-side: =,IN


To insert a single row, set the required fields. The 本製品 adds a new leave accrual line to the payslip.

INSERT INTO PaySlipLeaveAccrual (PaySlipID, LeaveAccrualLine_LeaveTypeId, LeaveAccrualLine_NumberOfUnits, LeaveAccrualLine_AutoCalculate) VALUES ('ea5aaaa7-c330-41d8-bfae-98ddc1f37680', '73f37030-b1ed-45fe-b7a2-f704a3a28ad4', 8, false)

Leave Accrual lines can also be added in bulk by specifying multiple items in the VALUES clause.
INSERT INTO PaySlipLeaveAccrual (PaySlipID, LeaveAccrualLine_LeaveTypeId, LeaveAccrualLine_NumberOfUnits, LeaveAccrualLine_AutoCalculate) 
	('ea5aaaa7-c330-41d8-bfae-98ddc1f37680', '73f37030-b1ed-45fe-b7a2-f704a3a28ad4', 8, false),
	('ea5aaaa7-c330-41d8-bfae-98ddc1f37680', '73f37030-b1ed-45fe-b7a2-f704a3a28ad4', 12, false)


You can update any field that is not read-only.

Note: UPDATE operations will count as two operations against the Xero API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.

UPDATE PaySlipLeaveAccrual SET LeaveAccrualLine_NumberOfUnits = 5 WHERE Id = '2|ea5aaaa7-c330-41d8-bfae-98ddc1f37680'


Supply the Id to delete leave accrual lines.

DELETE FROM PaySlipLeaveAccrual WHERE Id = '2|ea5aaaa7-c330-41d8-bfae-98ddc1f37680'


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
Id [KEY] String True

The earnings line-item combined with the unique Xero identifier of the payslip

PayslipID String False

The unique identifier of the payslip. This field is assigned by Xero.

EmployeeID String True

The unique identifier of the payslip's employee.

LeaveAccrualLine_LeaveTypeId String False

The unique identifier of the line-item's leave type

LeaveAccrualLine_NumberOfUnits Double False

How much leave time was added

LeaveAccrualLine_AutoCalculate String False

Whether or not to automatically calculate leave

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 24.0.8963