Power BI Connector for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Query quotes for a Xero organization

Table Specific Information

The Quotes table allows you to SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE Quote lines for a Xero organization. The Id column is generated by the 本製品; it combines the index of the line item with the unique, Xero-generated QuoteId.


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


To insert a single row, set the required fields. A new table object is created as a single entry. To insert a new Quote, the ContactId and Date fields are required in addition to at least one line item. A Quote line item must at minimum contain a description (LineItem_Description).

  1. You can insert a new Quote with multiple line items using an XML aggregate. The elements supported here are the same as the LineItem columns without the "LineItem_" prefix. Please refer to the Xero documentation of the Quotes API for more details.
    INSERT INTO Quotes (ContactId, Date, LineItemAggregate) VALUES (
    		<Description>Example Description</Description>
  2. You can also create multiple Quotes in a single query by using a bulk insert. To do this, you should not include a QuoteId in your query, then specify the values for the first line item of each Quote to add.
    INSERT INTO Quotes (ContactId, Date, LineItem_Description)
    ('883628bc-7f22-4234-8a4c-81571816a8a1', '2023-11-21', 'Example Description'),
    ('883628bc-7f22-4234-8a4c-81571816a8a1', '2023-11-21', 'Example Description')
  3. You can also insert new line items on an existing object by specifying the Xero-generated value of the existing record. For example, to add 2 new line items to an existing Quote:
    INSERT INTO Quotes (QuoteId, LineItem_Description)
    ('fbb38812-dcc4-4e07-9ebd-2c38e1409b18', 'newItem1'),
    ('fbb38812-dcc4-4e07-9ebd-2c38e1409b18', 'newItem2')

Note: Inserting into existing records will count as two operations against the Xero API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.


You can update any field that is not read-only.

Note: UPDATE operations will count as two operations against the Xero API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String False

The line item index combined with the Id of the Quote.

QuoteId String False

The Id of the Quote. This field is assigned by Xero.

ContactId String False

The Id of the contact.

ContactName String False

The name of the contact.

Date Date False

The date the quote was issued.

ExpiryDate Date False

The date the quote expires.

Status String False

The status of the quote.

LineItem_LineItemId String False

The Xero generated identifier for a line item.

LineItem_Description String False

The description of the line item.

LineItem_Quantity Double False

The quantity of the associated item in the line item.

LineItem_UnitAmount Decimal False

The unit amount of the associated item in the line item.

LineItem_ItemCode String False

The code that identifies the associated item.

LineItem_AccountCode String False

The account code. This must be active for the organisation.

LineItem_TaxType String False

The tax type. This field is used to override AccountCode, the default tax code for the selected account.

LineItem_TaxAmount Decimal False

The automatically calculated percentage of tax, based on the tax rate, for the line amount.

LineItem_LineAmount Decimal False

The total of the quantity multiplied by the unit amount with any discounts applied.

LineItem_DiscountRate Double False

The discount percentage being applied to the line item.

LineItem_TrackingCategory1_CategoryId String False

The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory1_CategoryName String False

The name of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory1_OptionId String False

The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory1_OptionName String False

The option of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory2_CategoryId String False

The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory2_CategoryName String False

The name of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory2_OptionId String False

The Id of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

LineItem_TrackingCategory2_OptionName String False

The option of a tracking category. The API allows two optional tracking categories to be defined.

QuoteNumber String False

The unique, alphanumeric code identifying the quote.

LineAmountTypes String False

This field specifies whether line amounts include tax. The valid values are Exclusive, Inclusive, and NoTax.

Reference String False

An additional reference number for ACCREC-type invoices.

CurrencyCode String False

The ISO 4217 currency code.

CurrencyRate Decimal False

The currency rate for a multicurrency invoice. If no rate is specified, the XE.com day rate is used.

SubTotal Decimal False

The subtotal for the invoice, which excludes taxes.

TotalTax Decimal False

The total tax for the invoice.

Total Decimal False

The total for the invoice, including tax -- the sum of SubTotal and TotalTax.

TotalDiscount Decimal False

Total of discounts applied on the invoice line items.

BrandingThemeId String False

The Id of the branding theme.

Terms String False

The terms of the quote.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime False

The date when the invoice was last updated.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

LineItemAggregate String False

Used to define Quote LineItem rows using XML values. Should be provided on INSERT only.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963