Power BI Connector for Xero

Build 24.0.8963


Query and insert BatchPayments for a Xero organisation.

Table Specific Information

The BatchPayments table allows you to SELECT and INSERT batch payments for a Xero organization. The Id column is generated by the 本製品 this value combines the index of the individual payment within the batch with the unique, Xero-generated BatchPaymentId


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


To insert a single row, set the required fields. A new table object is created as a single entry. To create a new batch payment, the AccountId, Date and Reference are required in addition to at least one payment item; the Payment_InvoiceId and Payment_Amount fields are required to insert a payment item.

You can also provide multiple payments using an XML aggregate which contains the data for each payment in the batch. Please refer to the Xero API documentation for more details on what elements are supported within each payment entry.

INSERT INTO BatchPayments (AccountId, Reference, Date, PaymentAggregate) VALUES (


The Xero API has limited support for deleting any object. In order to delete objects, you must update their Status to an appropriate value.

Applicable values for this field may be state-dependent. For example, invoices can only have their status set to DELETED when the invoice status is currently DRAFT or SUBMITTED.

In order to delete a record from the BatchPayments table, the BatchPaymentId column should be set:

DELETE FROM BatchPayments WHERE BatchPaymentId='79f60299-7138-4d67-ae3c-50f1d4231dde'

Note: This will only set the 'Status' column to 'DELETED' for the given record. The record will still be visible in an unfiltered result.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] String True

The batch payment index combined with the Id of the batch payment.

BatchPaymentId String True

The Id of the invoice. This field is assigned by Xero.

AccountId String False

The ID of the account used to make the payment. It must either be a BANK account or have payments enabled.

Particulars String False

(NZ only) The particulars that will appear on the statement.

Code String False

(NZ only) The transaction code that will appear on the statement.

Reference String False

(NZ only) The transaction reference that will appear on the statement.

Details String False

(Non-NZ only) The details sent to the organization's bank as a reference for the bank transaction.

Narrative String False

(UK only) A description that is only visible in the Xero statement line

Date Date False

The date the payment is being made.

Payment_PaymentId String True

The ID of the Payment. This field is assigned by Xero.

Payment_InvoiceId String False

The ID of the Invoice the payment was made against

Payment_BankAccountNumber String False

The account number of the bank the payment is being made to.

Payment_Particulars String False

(NZ only) The particulars that will appear on the statement.

Payment_Code String False

(NZ only) The transaction code that will appear on the supplier's bank account.

Payment_Reference String False

(NZ only) The transaction reference that will appear on the supplier's bank account.

Payment_Details String False

The details sent to the supplier's bank as a reference for the bank transaction.

Payment_Amount Decimal False

The amount being paid.

PaymentAggregate String False

Used to define Payment rows using XML values. Should be provided on INSERT only.

Type String True

Either PAYBATCH for bill payments, or RECBATCH for sales payments.

Status String False


TotalAmount Decimal True

The total of all the payments included in the batch

IsReconciled Boolean True

Whether the batch payment has been reconciled

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

The date when the batch payment was last updated.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 24.0.8963