ADO.NET Provider for Xero

Build 24.0.9060


The provider models the data in Xero as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData ADO.NET Provider for Xero Tables

Name Description
Employees Query, insert and update employees for a Xero organisation.
LeaveApplications Query, insert and update Leave Applications for a Xero organisation.
PayItemsDeductions Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation.
PayItemsEarnings Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation.
PayItemsLeave Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation.
PayItemsReimbursements Query, insert and update PayItems for a Xero organisation.
PayrollCalendars Query, insert and update Payroll Calendars for a Xero organisation.
PayRuns Query, insert and update payruns for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipDeductions Query payslip deduction line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipEarnings Query payslip earning line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipLeaveAccrual Query payslip leave accrual line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipReimbursements Query payslip reimbursements line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipSuperannuations Query payslip superannuation line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipTaxes Query payslip tax line-items for a Xero organisation.
PaySlipTimesheetEarnings Query payslip timesheet-earnings line-items for a Xero organisation.
SuperFunds Query, insert and update add and update Payroll Super Funds in a Xero organisation.
Timesheets Query, insert and update Timesheets for a Xero organisation.

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Build 24.0.9060