Power BI Connector for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


The connector models the data in Xero as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Power BI Connector for Xero Tables

Name Description
Accounts Query, insert, update and delete accounts for a Xero organisation.
BankTransactions Query, insert and update bank transactions for a Xero organisation.
BankTransfers Usage information for the operation BankTransfers.rsd.
BatchPayments Query and insert BatchPayments for a Xero organisation.
ContactGroups Query, insert, update and delete contact groups for a Xero organisation.
Contacts Query, insert and update contacts for a Xero organisation.
CreditNotes Query, insert and update credit notes for a Xero organisation.
Employees Query, insert and update employees for a Xero organisation.
ExpenseClaims Query, insert and update expense claims for a Xero organisation.
HistoryBankTransactions Query and insert BankTransaction history and notes for a Xero organization.
HistoryBatchPayments Query and insert BatchPayment history and notes for a Xero organization.
HistoryContacts Query and insert Contact history and notes for a Xero organization.
HistoryCreditNotes Query and insert CreditNote history and notes for a Xero organization.
HistoryInvoices Query and insert Invoice history and notes for a Xero organization.
HistoryPurchaseOrders Query and insert PurchaseOrder history and notes for a Xero organization.
Invoices Query, insert and update Invoices for a Xero organisation.
Items Query, insert, update and delete items for a Xero organisation.
LinkedTransactions Query, insert, update and delete LinkedTransactions for a Xero organisation.
ManualJournals Query, insert and update manual journals for a Xero organisation.
Payments Query, insert and delete payments for a Xero organisation.
PurchaseOrders Query, insert and update purchase orders for a Xero organisation.
Quotes Query quotes for a Xero organization
Receipts Query, insert and update receipts for a Xero organisation.
TaxRates Usage information for the operation TaxRates.rsd.

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Build 23.0.8839