FireDAC Components for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


Query, insert and update employees for a Xero organisation.


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
EmployeeID [KEY] String True

The unique identifier of the employee. This field is assigned by Xero.

Status String False

The status of the employee. Valid values are ACTIVE and TERMINATED.

Title String False

The title of the employee.

FirstName String False

The first name of the employee.

MiddleNames String False

The middle names of the employee.

LastName String False

The last name of the employee.

DateOfBirth Date False

The employee's birthday.

JobTitle String False

The job title of the employee.

Gender String False

The gender of the employee.

Phone String False

The employee's home phone number.

Mobile String False

The employee's mobile phone number.

Email String False

The employee's email address.

StartDate Date False

The employee's hire date.

TerminationDate Date False

The employee's termination date.

TerminationReason String False

The reasion for the eompleeoy's termination, as a one-letter code.

OrdinaryEarningsRateID String False

A reference to the employee's pay schedule

PayrollCalendarID String False

A reference to the employee's pay schedule

IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave Boolean False

Whether the employee is authorised to approve timeoff.

IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets Boolean False

Whether the employee is authorised to approve timesheets.

EmployeeGroupName String False

The name of the tracking category the employee belongs to, if one is assigned.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

Timestamp of the last change to the employee record.

HomeAddress_AddressLine1 String False

Address Line 1 for employee home address.

HomeAddress_AddressLine2 String False

Address Line 2 for employee home address.

HomeAddress_City String False

Suburb for employee home address.

HomeAddress_Region String False

State abbreviation for employee home address.

HomeAddress_PostalCode String False

PostalCode for employee home address.

HomeAddress_Country String False

Country of HomeAddress.

TaxDeclaration_EmploymentBasis String False


TaxDeclaration_TFNExemptionType String False

If the employee has no TFN, this may be one of NOTQUOTED, PENDING, PENSIONER or UNDER18

TaxDeclaration_TaxFileNumber String False

The last three digits of the employee's TFN

TaxDeclaration_AustralianResidentForTaxPurposes Boolean False

Whether the employee is an Australian resident for tax purposes

TaxDeclaration_ResidencyStatus String False


TaxDeclaration_TaxFreeThresholdClaimed Boolean False

Whether the employee claims to make below the tax free threshold

TaxDeclaration_TaxOffsetEstimatedAmount Decimal False

Any other tax offsets the employee has claimed

TaxDeclaration_HasHELPDebt Boolean False

Whether the employee has HECS or HELP debt

TaxDeclaration_HasSFSSDebt Boolean False

Whether the employee has financial supplement debt

TaxDeclaration_HasTradeSupportLoanDebt Boolean False

Whether the employee has a trade support loan

TaxDeclaration_UpwardVariationTaxWithholdingAmount Decimal False

The extra withholding the employee has requested, in percent

TaxDeclaration_EligibleToReceiveLeaveLoading Boolean False

If the employee is eligible to receive extra earnings when they take leave

TaxDeclaration_ApprovedWithholdingVariationPercentage Decimal False

The extra withholding the employee has been granted, in percent

BankAccounts String True

The Bank accounts for the employee in XML format.

PayTemplate String True

The pay template for the employee in XML format.

OpeningBalances String True

The opening balances for the employee in XML format.

LeaveBalances String True

The leave balances for the empoloyee in XML format.

SuperMemberships String True

The Super memberships for the employee in XML format.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 23.0.8839