FireDAC Components for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


Query organisation data for a Xero organisation.

Table Specific Information

The organization view allows you to SELECT organization data for a Xero organization.


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


Name Type Description
ShortCode [KEY] String A unique identifier for the organisation.
APIKey String Unique APIKey for Xero-to-Xero transactions.
Name String Display name of the organisation shown in Xero.
LegalName String Organisation name shown on reports.
PaysTax Boolean Whether the organisation is registered with a local tax authority.
Version String The version of Xero used by the organisation.
BaseCurrency String Default currency for the organisation.
CountryCode String Country code for the organisation.
IsDemoCompany String Whether the organisation is a demo company.
OrganisationStatus String Will be set to ACTIVE if you can connect to the organisation via the Xero API.
RegistrationNumber String The registration number for NZ, AU, and UK organisations.
TaxNumber String Tax number of the organisation.
FinancialYearEndDay String Financial year end day of the organisation. For example, 1-31.
FinancialYearEndMonth String Financial year end month of the organisation. For example, 1-12.
PeriodLockDate Date Period lock date of the organisation.
EndOfYearLockDate Date End of year lock date of the organisation.
CreatedDateUTC Datetime Timestamp of when the organisation was created in Xero.
UpdatedDateUTC Datetime Timestamp of the last change to the user record.
OrganisationEntityType String The entity type of the organisation. For example, COMPANY.
Timezone String The time zone for the organisation.
Edition String BUSINESS or PARTNER. Parnter edition organizations have restricted functionality.
LineOfBusiness String Description of business type of the organisation.
Street_AddressLine1 String The street address line 1.
Street_AddressLine2 String The street address line 2.
Street_AddressLine3 String The street address line 3.
Street_AddressLine4 String The street address line 4.
Street_City String The street address city.
Street_PostalCode String The street address postal code.
Street_Country String The street address country.
Street_Region String The street address region.
Street_AttentionTo String The street address attention-to line.
POBox_AddressLine1 String The PO box address line 1.
POBox_AddressLine2 String The PO box address line 2.
POBox_AddressLine3 String The PO box address line 3.
POBox_AddressLine4 String The PO box address line 4.
POBox_City String The PO box address city.
POBox_PostalCode String The PO box address postal code.
POBox_Country String The PO box address country.
POBox_Region String The PO box address region.
POBox_AttentionTo String The PO box address attention-to line.
DDI_PhoneNumber String The DDI phone number.
DDI_PhoneAreaCode String The DDI area code.
DDI_PhoneCountryCode String The DDI country code.
Default_PhoneNumber String The default phone number.
Default_PhoneAreaCode String The default area code.
Default_PhoneCountryCode String The default country code.
Fax_PhoneNumber String The fax phone number.
Fax_PhoneAreaCode String The fax area code.
Fax_PhoneCountryCode String The fax country code.
Mobile_PhoneNumber String The mobile phone number.
Mobile_PhoneAreaCode String The mobile area code.
Mobile_PhoneCountryCode String The mobile country code.
Facebook_URL String The URL to the Facebook page of the organisation.
Twitter_URL String The URL to the Twitter page of the organisation.
GooglePlus_URL String The URL to the Google Plus page of the organisation.
LinkedIn_URL String The URL to the LinkedIn page of the organisation.
Website_URL String A URL to the website of the organisation.
PaymentTerms_Bills_Day String Default payment terms for bills (days).
PaymentTerms_Bills_Type String Default payment terms for bills (type).
PaymentTerms_Sales_Day String Default payment terms for sales (days).
PaymentTerms_Sales_Type String Default payment terms for sales (type).
TenantId String The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 23.0.8839