FireDAC Components for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


Query, insert, update and delete LinkedTransactions for a Xero organisation.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
LinkedTransactionID [KEY] String True

The Xero identifier for an Linked Transaction

SourceTransactionID String False

The identifier of the source transaction (the purchase component of a billable expense). Currently, only invoices with a type of ACCPAY can be a source transaction.

SourceLineItemID String False

The line item identifier from the source transaction.

ContactID String False

The identifier for the contact on the target transaction i.e. the customer that the expense is being billed on to.

TargetTransactionID String False

The identifier of the target transaction (the sale component of a billable expense). Currently, only invoices with a type of ACCREC can be a target transaction.

TargetLineItemID String False

The line item identifier from the target transaction. When allocating a billable expense to a target transaction the TargetLineItemID is optional.

Status String False

The status of the linked transaction. This is derived from the statuses of the source and target transactions and cannot be explicitly set/updated.

Type String False

This will always be BILLABLEEXPENSE. More types may be added in future.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

The last modified date in UTC format

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 23.0.8839