FireDAC Components for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


Query, insert, update and delete items for a Xero organisation.

Table Specific Information

The Items table allows you to SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE items for a Xero organization.


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


To insert a single row, set the required fields. A new table object is created as a single entry. To insert a new item record, the Code field must be defined.


You can update any field that is not read-only.

Note: UPDATE operations will count as two operations against the Xero API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ItemId [KEY] String True

The unique, Xero-assigned identifier for the item.

Code String False

A user-defined code that identifies the item.

InventoryAssetAccountCode String False

The inventory asset account for the item. The account must be of type INVENTORY. The COGSAccountCode in PurchaseDetails is also required to create a tracked item.

Name String False

The name of the item.

PurchaseDescription String False

The purchase description of the item.

Description String False

A description of the item.

PurchaseDetails_UnitPrice String False

The unit Price of the item.

PurchaseDetails_COGSAccountCode String False

Cost of goods sold account. Only applicable to the purchase details of tracked items.

PurchaseDetails_AccountCode String False

The code of the account to be used for the purchased item.

PurchaseDetails_TaxType String False

The type of the tax rate, which varies by country. User-defined tax rates have a TaxType of TAX001, TAX002, TAX003, etc.

SalesDetails_UnitPrice String False

The unit price of the sold item.

SalesDetails_COGSAccountCode String False

Cost of goods sold account. Only applicable to the purchase details of tracked items.

SalesDetails_AccountCode String False

The code of the account to be used for the sold item.

SalesDetails_TaxType String False

The type of the tax rate, which varies by country. User-defined tax rates have a TaxType of TAX001, TAX002, TAX003, etc.

IsTrackedAsInventory Boolean False

True for items that are tracked as inventory. An item will be tracked as inventory if the InventoryAssetAccountCode and COGSAccountCode are set.

TotalCostPool Decimal True

The value of the item on hand. Calculated using average cost accounting.

QuantityOnHand Double True

The quantity of the item on hand.

IsSold Boolean False

Boolean value, defaults to true. When IsSold is true the item will be available on sales transactions in the Xero UI. If IsSold is updated to false then Description and SalesDetails values will be nulled.

IsPurchased Boolean False

Boolean value, defaults to true. When IsPurchased is true the item is available for purchase transactions in the Xero UI. If IsPurchased is updated to false then PurchaseDescription and PurchaseDetails values will be nulled.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

Timestamp of the last change to the item record.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 23.0.8839