FireDAC Components for Xero

Build 23.0.8839


Query, insert and update contacts for a Xero organisation.

Table Specific Information

The Contacts table allows you to SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE contacts for a Xero organization.


The Xero API allows extensive filtering and ordering. You can define WHERE and ORDER BY clauses in a query to filter and order the results using any non-line-item column.

Note: The Xero API does not support filtering on line items or journal lines.


To insert a single row, set the required fields. A new table object is created as a single entry. The Name field is required to add a new contact.

INSERT INTO Contacts (Name) VALUES ('John Doe')


You can update any field that is not read-only.

Note: UPDATE operations will count as two operations against the Xero API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ContactId [KEY] String True

The unique Xero identifier for the contact.

Name String False

The contact name.

AccountNumber String False

The account number associated with the contact.

ContactNumber String False

An identifier from an external system. Although this field is read-only on the Xero contact screen, it can be updated via the API.

CompanyNumber String False

The registration number of the company. The maximum length of this field is 50 characters.

ContactStatus String False

The status of the contact. Available status types are ACTIVE or ARCHIVED.

FirstName String False

The first name of the contact. The maximum length of this field is 255 characters.

LastName String False

The last name of the contact. The maximum length of this field is 255 characters.

EmailAddress String False

The email address of the contact. The maximum length of this field is 500 characters.

SkypeUserName String False

The Skype username of the contact.

ContactPerson1_FirstName String False

First name of contact person.

ContactPerson1_LastName String False

Last name of contact person.

ContactPerson1_EmailAddress String False

Email address name of contact person.

ContactPerson1_IncludeInEmails Boolean False

Whether to include contact person in emails.

ContactPerson2_FirstName String False

First name of contact person.

ContactPerson2_LastName String False

Last name of contact person.

ContactPerson2_EmailAddress String False

Email address name of contact person.

ContactPerson2_IncludeInEmails Boolean False

Whether to include contact person in emails.

ContactPerson3_FirstName String False

First name of contact person.

ContactPerson3_LastName String False

Last name of contact person.

ContactPerson3_EmailAddress String False

Email address name of contact person.

ContactPerson3_IncludeInEmails Boolean False

Whether to include contact person in emails.

ContactPerson4_FirstName String False

First name of contact person.

ContactPerson4_LastName String False

Last name of contact person.

ContactPerson4_EmailAddress String False

Email address name of contact person.

ContactPerson4_IncludeInEmails Boolean False

Whether to include contact person in emails.

BankAccountDetails String False

The bank account number of the contact.

TaxNumber String False

The region-specific tax number of the contact: the ABN (Australia), GST (New Zealand), VAT (UK), or Tax Id Number (US and global).

AccountsReceivableTaxType String False

The default tax type used for the contact on accounts-receivable invoices.

AccountsPayableTaxType String False

The default tax type used for the contact on accounts-payable invoices.

Street_AddressLine1 String False

Line 1 of the address.

Street_AddressLine2 String False

Line 2 of the address.

Street_AddressLine3 String False

Line 3 of the address.

Street_AddressLine4 String False

Line 4 of the address.

Street_City String False

The city.

Street_Region String False

The region.

Street_PostalCode String False

The postal code.

Street_Country String False

The country.

Street_AttentionTo String False

The attention-to line of the address.

POBox_AddressLine1 String False

Line 1 of the address.

POBox_AddressLine2 String False

Line 2 of the address.

POBox_AddressLine3 String False

Line 3 of the address.

POBox_AddressLine4 String False

Line 4 of the address.

POBox_City String False

The city.

POBox_Region String False

The region.

POBox_PostalCode String False

The postal code.

POBox_Country String False

The country.

POBox_AttentionTo String False

The attention-to line of the address.

DDI_PhoneNumber String False

The phone number without area or country code.

DDI_PhoneAreaCode String False

The area code.

DDI_PhoneCountryCode String False

The country code.

Default_PhoneNumber String False

The phone number without area or country code.

Default_PhoneAreaCode String False

The area code.

Default_PhoneCountryCode String False

The country code.

Fax_PhoneNumber String False

The phone number without area or country code.

Fax_PhoneAreaCode String False

The area code.

Fax_PhoneCountryCode String False

The country code.

Mobile_PhoneNumber String False

The phone number without area or country code.

Mobile_PhoneAreaCode String False

The area code.

Mobile_PhoneCountryCode String False

The country code.

UpdatedDateUTC Datetime True

The timestamp of when the contact was last updated.

ContactGroupId String True

Displays which contact groups a contact is included in.

MergedToContactID String True

This field displays the destination ID of a contact that has been merged.

IsSupplier Boolean True

This field shows whether a contact has any accounts-payable (AP) invoices. This field is set automatically when an AP invoice is generated for a contact.

IsCustomer Boolean True

This field shows whether a contact has any accounts-receivable (AR) invoices. This field is set automatically when an AR invoice is generated for a contact.

DefaultCurrency String False

The default currency for the contact.

Website String True

The website of the contact.

BrandingThemeId String True

The Id of the branding theme.

BrandingThemeName String True

The Name of the branding theme.

PurchasesDefaultAccountCode String False

The default purchases account code for contacts.

PurchasesDefaultLineAmountType String True

The default purchases line amount type for contacts. Possible values are: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, or NONE.

SalesDefaultAccountCode String False

The default sales account code for contacts.

SalesDefaultLineAmountType String True

The default sales line amount type for contacts. Possible values are: INCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, or NONE.

BatchPayments_BankAccountNumber String True

Batch payment bank account number for the contact.

BatchPayments_BankAccountName String True

Batch payment bank account name for the contact.

BatchPayments_Details String True

Batch payment details for the contact.

Discount Decimal True

The default discount rate for the contact.

Balances_AccountsReceivable_Outstanding Decimal True

The outstanding and overdue amounts for sales invoices (accounts receivable).

Balances_AccountsReceivable_Overdue Decimal True

The outstanding and overdue amounts for bills (accounts payable).

Balances_AccountsPayable_Outstanding Decimal True

The outstanding and overdue amounts for sales invoices (accounts receivable).

Balances_AccountsPayable_Overdue Decimal True

The outstanding and overdue amounts for bills (accounts payable).

PaymentTerms_Bills_Day Int True

The default payment terms for the contact.

PaymentTerms_Bills_Type String True

The default payment terms for the contact.

PaymentTerms_Sales_Day Int True

The default payment terms for the contact.

PaymentTerms_Sales_Type String True

The default payment terms for the contact.

SalesTrackingCategory1_Name String False

The default sales tracking category name for contacts.

SalesTrackingOption1_Name String False

The default sales tracking option name for contacts.

SalesTrackingCategory2_Name String False

The default sales tracking category name for contacts.

SalesTrackingOption2_Name String False

The default sales tracking option name for contacts.

PurchaseTrackingCategory1_Name String False

The default purchase tracking category name for contacts.

PurchaseTrackingOption1_Name String False

The default purchase tracking option name for contacts.

PurchaseTrackingCategory2_Name String False

The default purchase tracking category name for contacts.

PurchaseTrackingOption2_Name String False

The default purchase tracking option name for contacts.

HasAttachments Boolean True

This field indicates whether the invoice has an attachment.

TenantId String False

The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant

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Build 23.0.8839