FireDAC Components for REST

Build 23.0.8804

String Formatters

[attr | allownull()]

Returns NULL if the attribute does not exist or the value if it does.

[attr | arrayfind(substring)]

Returns the index at which the string is found in the attribute array. The index is 1 based.

  • searchstring: The string to search for in the original value.

[attr | base64decode()]

Converts the attribute value to a base 64 decoded string.

[attr | base64encode()]

Converts the attribute value to a base 64 encoded string.

[attr | capitalize()]

Returns the original attribute value with only its first character capitalized.

[attr | capitalizeall()]

Returns the original attribute value with the first character of all words capitalized.

[attr | center(integer_width[, character])]

Returns the attribute value centered in a string of width specified by the first parameter. Padding is done using the fillchar specified by the second parameter.

  • width: The total width of the output string.
  • character: The optional character used for padding. If not specified this defaults to a space.

[attr | contains(value[, ifcontains][, ifnotcontains])]

Returns true (or ifcontains) if the attribute value contains the parameter value, false (or ifnotcontains) otherwise.

  • value: The string to find from the attribute value.
  • ifcontains: The optional value returned if the attribute value contains the parameter value.
  • ifnotcontains: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not contain the parameter value.

[attr | count(substring)]

Returns the number of occurrences in the attribute value of a substring specified by the first parameter.

  • substring: The substring to search for in the attribute value.

[attr | currency([integer_count])]

Returns the numeric value formatted as currency.

  • count: The optional number specifying how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. The default is 2.

[attr | decimal([integer_count])]

Returns the numeric value formatted as a decimal number.

  • count: The optional number that indicates how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed. Default is 2.

[attr | def([notexists][, exists])]

Checks for the existence of an attribute and returns the specified parameter value if it does not.

  • notexists: The optional value to return if the attribute value does not exist.
  • exists: The optional value to return if the original attribute exists. If not specified, the original value of the attribute is returned.

[attr | empty(value)]

Returns the specified value if the attribute value is empty, otherwise the original attribute value.

  • value: The value that will be used if the attribute is empty.

[attr | endswith(substring[, iftrue][, iffalse])]

Determines whether the attribute value ends with the specified parameter. Returns true (or iftrue) if the attribute ends with the value and false (or iffalse) if not.

  • substring: The string expected at the end.
  • iftrue: The optional value returned if the attribute value ends with the parameter value.
  • iffalse: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not end with the parameter value.

[attr | equals(value[, ifequals][, ifnotequals])]

Compares the attribute value with the first parameter value and returns true (or ifequals) if they are equal and false (or ifnotequals) if they are not.

  • value: The string to compare with the attribute value.
  • ifequals: The optional value returned if the attribute value equals the value represented by the first parameter.
  • ifnotequals: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not equal the value represented by the first parameter.

[attr | extendtabs([integer_width])]

Replaces all tab characters found in the attribute value with spaces. If the tab size specified by the parameter is not given, a default tab size of 8 characters is used.

  • width: The optional tab width, defaults to 8 if not specified.

[attr | expr(expression)]

Evaluates the mathematical expression.

  • expression: The expression.

[attr | find(substring[, integer_startindex])]

Returns the lowest zero-based index at which the substring is found in the attribute value.

  • substring: The string to search for in the attribute value.
  • startindex: The optional index at which to start the search.

[attr | getlength()]

Returns the number of characters in the attribute value.

[attr | hmacshamd5([key], [toBase64, isBase64Encoded])]

Encrypt a string with the passed-in key and HmacSHAMD5 algorithm.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.
  • isBase64Encoded: The optional boolean value that specifies whether the input is base 64 encoded. Default is false.

[attr | hmacsha1([key], [toBase64, isBase64Encoded])]

Encrypt a string with the passed-in key and HmacSHA1 algorithm.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.
  • isBase64Encoded: The optional boolean value that specifies whether the input is base 64 encoded. Default is false.

[attr | hmacsha256([key], [toBase64, isBase64Encoded])]

Encrypt a string with the passed-in key and HmacSHA256 algorithm.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.
  • isBase64Encoded: The optional boolean value that specifies whether the input is base 64 encoded. Default is false.

[attr | hmacsha512([key], [toBase64, isBase64Encoded])]

Encrypt a string with the passed-in key and HmacSHA512 algorithm.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.
  • isBase64Encoded: The optional boolean value that specifies whether the input is base 64 encoded. Default is false.

[attr | ifequal(value[, ifequals][, ifnotequals])]

Compares the attribute value with the first parameter value and returns true (or ifequals) if they are equal and false (or ifnotequals) if they are not.

  • value: The string to compare with the attribute value.
  • ifequals: The optional value returned if the attribute value equals the value represented by the first parameter.
  • ifnotequals: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not equal the value represented by the first parameter.

[attr | ifmatches(value[, ifmatch][, ifnotmatch])]

Returns true (or ifmatch) if the attribute value matches the first parameter, otherwise false (or ifnotmatch).

  • value: The value that will be compared with the attribute value.
  • ifmatch: The optional value returned if the attribute value matches the parameter value.
  • ifnotmatch: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not match the parameter value.

[attr | iftrue([iftrue][, iffalse])]

Checks the attribute value and returns true (or iftrue) if true and false (or iffalse) if false.

  • iftrue: The optional value returned if the attribute value is true.
  • iffalse: The optional value returned if the attribute value is false.

[attr | implode([separator])]

Implodes multiple values to a string separated by a separator.

  • separator: The optional separator.

[attr | insert(integer_index, string)]

Inserts the specified string at the specified index.

  • index: The zero-based index of the position in the original value where the new string should be inserted.
  • string: The string to insert into the original value.

[attr | isalpha([ifalpha][, ifnotalpha])]

Returns true (or ifalpha) if all characters in the attribute value are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotalpha) otherwise.

  • ifalpha: The optional value returned if the attribute value is alphabetic.
  • ifnotalpha: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not alphabetic.

[attr | isalphabetic([ifalpha][, ifnotalpha])]

Returns true (or ifalpha) if all characters in the attribute value are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotalpha) otherwise.

  • ifalpha: The optional value returned if the attribute value is alphabetic.
  • ifnotalpha: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not alphabetic.

[attr | isalphanum([ifalphanum][, ifnotalphanum])]

Returns true (or ifalphanum) if all characters in the attribute value are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotalphanum) otherwise.

  • ifalphanum: The optional value returned if the attribute value contains only alphabetic or numeric characters.
  • ifnotalphanum: The optional value returned if the attribute value contains nonalphabetic or nonnumeric characters.

[attr | isalphanumeric([ifalphanum][, ifnotalphanum])]

Returns true (or ifalphanum) if all characters in the attribute value are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotalphanum) otherwise.

  • ifalphanum: The optional value returned if the attribute value contains only alphabetic or numeric characters.
  • ifnotalphanum: The optional value returned if the attribute value contains nonalphabetic or nonnumeric characters.

[attr | isdigit([ifnum][, ifnotnum])]

Returns true (or ifnum) if all characters in the attribute value are digits and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotnum) otherwise.

  • ifnum: The optional value returned if the attribute value is numeric.
  • ifnotnum: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not numeric.

[attr | islower([iflower][, ifnotlower])]

Returns true (or iflower) if all letters in the attribute value are lowercase and there is at least one character that is a letter, false (or ifnotlower) otherwise.

  • iflower: The optional value returned if the attribute value is lowercase.
  • ifnotlower: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not lowercase.

[attr | isnumeric([ifnum][, ifnotnum])]

Returns true (or ifnum) if all characters in the attribute value are digits and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotnum) otherwise.

  • ifnum: The optional value returned if the attribute value is numeric.
  • ifnotnum: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not numeric.

[attr | isspace([ifspace][, ifnotspace])]

Return true (or ifspace) if there are only white-space characters in the attribute value and there is at least one character, false (or ifnotspace) otherwise.

  • ifspace: The optional value returned if the attribute value is a space.
  • ifnotspace: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not a space.

[attr | isupper([ifupper][, ifnotupper])]

Returns true (or ifupper) if all letters in the attribute value are uppercase and there is at least one character that is a letter, false (or ifnotupper) otherwise.

  • ifupper: The optional value returned if the attribute value is uppercase.
  • ifnotupper: The optional value returned if the attribute value is not uppercase.

[attr | join([separator])]

Implodes multiple values to a string separated by a separator.

  • separator: The optional separator.

[attr | jsonescape()]

Converts the attribute value to a JSON-escaped, single-line string.

[attr | just(integer_width[, character])]

Returns the attribute value left-justified in a string of length specified by the first parameter. Padding is done using the fillchar specified by the second parameter.

  • width: The total width of the output string.
  • character: The optional character used for padding. The default is a space.

[attr | lfind(substring[, integer_startindex])]

Returns the lowest zero-based index at which the substring is found in the attribute value.

  • substring: The string to search for in the attribute value.
  • startindex: The optional index at which to start the search.

[attr | ljust(integer_width[, character])]

Returns the attribute value left-justified in a string of length specified by the first parameter. Padding is done using the fillchar specified by the second parameter.

  • width: The total width of the output string.
  • character: The optional character used for padding. The default is a space.

[attr | lsplit(delimiter, integer_index)]

Splits the string represented by the attribute value into tokens delimited by the first parameter and returns the token at the index specified by the second parameter; counts from the left.

  • delimiter: The string used as a separator for splitting the string into tokens.
  • index: The index of the token requested where the first token is at index 1.

[attr | match(pattern[, index][, option])]

Searches the string represented by the attribute value for an occurrence of the regular expression supplied in the pattern parameter.

  • pattern: The regular expression pattern to match.
  • index: The optional numbered index of the match to return. The default is 0.
  • option: The optional comma-separated list of regular expression options. Some of the commonly used options are IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline, and IgnorePatternWhitespace.

[attr | md5hash([converttobase64])]

Computes the MD5 hash of the attribute value.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.

[attr | notequals(value[, notequals][, equals])]

Compares the attribute value with the first parameter value. Returns true (or notequals) if they are not equal and false (or equals) if they are.

  • value: The string to compare with the attribute value.
  • notequals: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not equal the value represented by the first parameter.
  • equals: The optional value returned if the attribute value equals the value represented by the first parameter.

[attr | nowhitespace()]

Removes the white space from the string represented by the atttribute value.

[attr | percentage([integer_count])]

Returns the numeric value formatted as a percentage.

  • count: The optional number that indicates how many places to the right of the decimal are displayed.

[attr | regex(pattern[, index][, option])]

Searches the string represented by the attribute value for an occurrence of the regular expression supplied in the pattern parameter.

  • pattern: The regular expression pattern to match.
  • index: The optional numbered index of the match to return. The default is 0.
  • option: The optional comma-separated list of regular expression options. Some of the commonly used options are IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline, and IgnorePatternWhitespace.

[attr | regexmatch(pattern[, index][, option])]

Searches the string represented by the attribute value for an occurrence of the regular expression supplied in the pattern parameter.

  • pattern: The regular expression pattern to match.
  • index: The optional numbered index of the match to return. The default is 0.
  • option: The optional comma-separated list of regular expression options. Some of the commonly used options are IgnoreCase, Multiline, Singleline, and IgnorePatternWhitespace.

[attr | regexreplace(search, replacewith[, integer_startat])]

Replaces all occurrences of the regular expression pattern found in the attribute value with replacewith.

  • search: The regular expression to search with.
  • replacewith: The text to replace the match with.
  • startat: The optional character index at which to start replacement. Default is 0.

[attr | remove(integer_index[, integer_count])]

Deletes characters from the attribute value; begins at the zero-based index specified by the first parameter.

  • index: The position to begin deleting the characters.
  • count: The optional number of characters to delete. If not provided all characters starting from the specified index will be deleted.

[attr | replace(oldvalue, newvalue[, ishex])]

Replaces all occurrences of the first parameter in the string represented by the attribute value with the value of the second parameter.

  • oldvalue: The string to be replaced.
  • newvalue: The string to replace all occurrences of the first parameter.
  • ishex: The optional boolean value specifying whether the first parameter is a hex representation of a character to replace. Default is false.

[attr | rfind(substring[, integer_startindex])]

Returns the highest zero-based index at which the substring is found in the attribute value.

  • substring: The string to search for in the original value.
  • startindex: The optional index at which to start the search.

[attr | rjust(integer_width[, character])]

Returns the right-justified attribute value in a string of length specified by the second parameter. Padding is done using the fillchar specified by the first parameter.

  • width: The total width of the output string.
  • character: The optional character used for padding, if not specified this defaults to a space.

[attr | rsplit(delimiter, integer_index)]

Splits the string represented by the attribute value into tokens delimited with the first parameter and returns the token at the index specified by the second parameter; counts from the right.

  • delimiter: The string used as a separator for splitting the string into tokens.
  • index: The index of the token requested where the first token is at index 1.

[attr | sha1hash([converttobase64])]

Computes the SHA-1 hash of the attribute value.

  • encodetobase64: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to convert the result into a base 64 encoded string. Default is true.

[attr | substring(integer_index[, integer_length])]

Returns a substring of the attribute value; starts at the index specified by the parameter and counts to the right.

  • index: The zero-based index at which the substring starts from the right.
  • length: The optional length of characters from the start index. The substring to the end is returned if length is not specified.

[attr | split(delimiter, integer_index)]

Splits the string represented by the attribute value into tokens delimited by the first parameter and returns the token at the index specified by the second parameter; counts from the left.

  • delimiter: The string used as a separator for splitting the string into tokens.
  • index: The index of the token requested where the first token is at index 1.

[attr | sqlescape()]

Converts the attribute value to an SQL-escaped, single-line string.

  • dbtype: The database type to encode. The allowed values are SQL or SQLite. Default is SQL.

[attr | startswith(substring[, iftrue][, iffalse])]

Returns true (or iftrue) if the attribute value starts with the specified parameter, false (or iffalse) otherwise.

  • substring: The string expected at the begining.
  • iftrue: The optional value returned if the attribute value starts with the parameter value.
  • iffalse: The optional value returned if the attribute value does not start with the parameter value.

[attr | striphtml()]

Returns the string with any HTML markup removed.

[attr | substring(integer_index[, integer_length])]

Returns a substring of the attribute value; starts at the index specified by the parameter.

  • index: The zero-based index at which the substring starts.
  • length: The optional length of characters from the start index. A substring to the end of the string is returned if length is not specified.

[attr | toalpha()]

Returns only the letters in a string.

[attr | toalphanum()]

Returns only the alphanumeric characters in a string.

[attr | tolower()]

Returns the string represented by the attribute value with all characters converted to lowercase.

[attr | toupper()]

Returns the string represented by the attribute value with all characters converted to uppercase.

[attr | trim()]

Trims leading and trailing white space from an attribute.

[attr | trimend()]

Trims trailing white space from an attribute.

[attr | trimstart()]

Trims leading white space from an attribute.

[attr | truncate(integer_count)]

Truncates the attribute value to the number of characters specified by the parameter.

  • count: The number of characters in the resulting string.

[attr | wordwrap([integer_width][, break][, cut][, wrapexp])]

Wraps a string to a given number of characters.

  • width: The optional number of characters at which the string will be wrapped.
  • break: The optional break parameter to be used to break the line.
  • cut: The optional boolean value that specifies whether to wrap the string at or before the specified width. Default is false.
  • wrapexp: The optional regex expression to be used as a breakable characters. Default is space.

[attr | print([delim])]

Returns a string with all the values of the attribute concatenated using the specified delimiter.

  • delim: The optional delimiter to separate values with. Default is a comma.

[attr | xmldecode()]

Converts the attribute value to a XML decoded string.

[attr | xmlencode()]

Converts the attribute value to a XML encoded string.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8804