FireDAC Components for REST

Build 23.0.8804


The XPath of an element that repeats at the same height within the XML/JSON document (used to split the document into multiple rows).


property XPath: String;

Data Type


Default Value



This parameter specifies the XPath (or JSONPath syntax) of an element that has the same name as other elements at the same height.

Multiple paths can be specified using a semi-colon separated list. DataModel allows you to configure how the XPath values will be used to create tables and display data.

If left empty, the CData FireDAC Components for REST will determine the XPaths by parsing the REST document and identifying the object arrays.

This property will be used to generate the schema definition when a schema file (RSD) file is not present.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8804