FireDAC Components for REST

Build 23.0.8804


Comma-separated list of file extensions to include into the set of the files modeled as tables.


property IncludeFiles: String;

Data Type


Default Value



Comma-separated list of file extensions to include into the set of the files modeled as tables. For example, IncludeFiles=TXT,TAB.

No default is set for the property. If IncludeFiles is not specified, the driver will infer the following based on Format:

  • Format=CSV: infers equivalent of IncludeFiles=CSC,TXT,TAB.
  • Format=JSON: infers equivalent of IncludeFiles=JSON.
  • Format=XML: infers equivalent of IncludeFiles=XML.

A 'NOEXT' value can be specified to include files without an extension.

File masks can be specified using an asterisk (*) to provide enhanced filtering capabilities; e.g. IncludeFiles=2020*.csv,TXT.

It is also possible to specify datetime filters. We currently support CreatedDate and ModifiedDate. All extension filters are evaluated in disjunction (using OR operator), and then the resulting filter is evaluated in conjunction (using AND operator) with the datetime filters.


IncludeFiles="TXT,ModifiedDate<=DATETIMEFROMPARTS(2020, 11, 26, 7, 40, 50, 000)"
IncludeFiles="ModifiedDate>=DATETIMEFROMPARTS(2020, 11, 26, 7, 40, 49, 000),ModifiedDate<=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()"

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8804