ODBC Driver for XML

Build 24.0.8963

Raw データ

Below is the structure of the Persons XML document used in the custom schema examples. This data is a simplified version of the XML response from the odata.org Northwind test service. This service is used to demonstrate data manipulation operations to XML-based REST APIs.

<values odata.context="http://services.odata.org/V4/OData/OData.svc/$metadata#Persons">
    <Name>Paula Wilson</Name>
    <Name>Jose Pavarotti</Name>
    <Name>Art Braunschweiger</Name>
  <value odata.type="#ODataDemo.Customer">
    <Name>Liz Nixon</Name>
  <value odata.type="#ODataDemo.Customer">
    <Name>Liu Wong</Name>
  <value odata.type="#ODataDemo.Employee">
    <Name>Jaime Yorres</Name>
  <value odata.type="#ODataDemo.Employee">
    <Name>Fran Wilson</Name>

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Build 24.0.8963