Power BI Connector for Oracle Eloqua

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve email deployments.


Name Type Description
ID [KEY] Long The unique identifier for the email deployment.
Name String The name of the email deployment.
CurrentStatus String The current status of the email deployment.
SuccessfulSendCount Int The successful send count of the email deployment.
FailedSendCount Int The failed send count of the email deployment.
ContactId String The contact ID of the email deployment.
SendFromUserId String The sent user ID of the email deployment.
EndAt Datetime Date the email deployment ended.
Permissions String The permissions of the email deployment.
Email_ID Long The unique identifier of the email.
Email_Name String The name of the email.
Email_EmailGroupId Long The Id of the email group.
Email_IsPlainTextEditable Boolean Identifies whether the email is plaintext editable.
Email_IsTracked Boolean Identifies whether the email is tracked.
Email_PlainText String The plaintext version of the email.
Email_BouncebackEmail String The bounce-back email address.
Email_ReplyToEmail String The email address in the reply-to line of the email.
Email_ReplyToName String The name in the reply-to line of the email.
Email_SenderEmail String The email address of the sender.
Email_SenderName String The name of the sender.
Email_SendPlainTextOnly Boolean Identifies whether the plaintext version should be sent.
Email_Subject String The subject of the email.
Email_Description String The description of the email.
Email_FolderId Long The Id of the folder for the email.
Email_Permissions String The permissions of the email.
Email_CreatedAt Datetime Date the email was created.
Email_CreatedBy String The Id of the user who created the email.
Email_CurrentStatus String The current status of the email.
Email_UpdatedAt Datetime Date the email was updated.
Email_UpdatedBy String The Id of the user who last updated the email.
Email_HtmlContent_Type String The type for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_ContentSource String The content source for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_DocType String The doc type for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_HTMLBody String The HTML body for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_Root String The root for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_MetaTags String The meta tags for the content of the email.
Email_HtmlContent_SystemHeader String The system header for the content of the email.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Depth String The depth of information requested from Eloqua.

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Build 24.0.8963