Power BI Connector for Oracle Eloqua

Build 24.0.8963


Create, update, delete, and query Campaigns.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ID [KEY] Long True

The unique identifier of the campaign.

Name String False

The name of the campaign.

ActualCost Double False

The actual cost of the campaign.

BudgetedCost Double False

The budgeted cost for the Campaign.

CrmId String False

The unique Id of the campaign in your CRM.

EndAt Datetime False

The campaign's end date.

EndValues String False

The end values of the campaign.

IsMemberAllowedReEntry Boolean False

Determines whether a member can reenter the campaign.

IsReadOnly Boolean False

Whether the campaign is read-only.

StartAt Datetime False

The campaign's start date.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The date and time the campaign was created.

CreatedBy String False

The Id of the user who created the Campaign.

AccessedAt Datetime False

Date the campaign was accessed.

CurrentStatus String False

The current status of the campaign.

Depth String False

The depth of the campaign.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

Date the campaign was updated.

UpdatedBy String False

The Id of the user who last updated the Campaign.

Permissions String False

The permissions of the campaign.

ScheduledFor Datetime False

The date and time scheduled for the campaign.

SourceTemplatedId String False

The Id of the source template for the campaign.

FolderId Long False

The Id of the folder for the campaign.

Campaign Type String False

The type of campaign.

Product String False

The product of the campaign.

Region String False

The region of the campaign.

Five String False

The fifth value for the campagin.

Four String False

The fourth value for the campagin.

Three String False

The third value for the campagin.

Two String False

The second value for the campagin.

CLR End Date Datetime False

The CLR end date.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963