Power BI Connector for Oracle Eloqua

Build 24.0.8963

Fine-Tuning Data Access

Fine Tuning Data Access

You can use the following properties to gain more granular control over how the connector surfaces the functionality of the underlying Oracle Eloqua APIs.
The connector uses the bulk API when possible; you can fine-tune the connectivity to the bulk API with the following connection properties:

  • UseBulkAPI
  • BulkPollingInterval
  • BulkQueryTimeout
  • DataRetentionDuration
Additionally, the following properties are useful to circumvent failed bulk API requests:
  • RetryCount
  • RetryInterval
Oracle Eloqua accepts characters for table and column names that must be escaped in SQL. You can set UseSimpleNames to true to report nonalphanumeric characters as underscores.

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Build 24.0.8963