Power BI Connector for Oracle Eloqua

Build 24.0.8963

Data Model

The CData Power BI Connector for Oracle Eloqua models the Bulk API and the REST API as relational tables, views, and stored procedures. For example, Oracle Eloqua activity types are represented by the corresponding views. Views are tables that cannot be modified.

Working with Oracle Eloqua APIs as Tables

All tables are accessible with the REST API, including custom tables. A limited number of tables and views can be used with the Bulk API. The connector supports version 2.0 of the Bulk API and version 2.0 of the REST API.

Custom Tables and Columns

The connector can expose custom tables, views, and columns from Oracle Eloqua that are not mentioned in the Tables and Views. The data model illustrates a sample of what your Oracle Eloqua data model might look like. The actual data model will be obtained dynamically based on your user credentials and Oracle Eloqua account. For example, the Account, Campaign, and Contact tables are dynamic: These tables contain the columns described and your custom columns.

Tables Available in the Bulk API

The following tables and views, including custom tables, are supported with the Bulk API:

  • Account
  • Activity_Bounceback
  • Activity_EmailClickThrough
  • Activity_EmailOpen
  • Activity_EmailSend
  • Activity_EmailSubscribe
  • Activity_EmailUnsubscribe
  • Activity_FormSubmit
  • Activity_PageView
  • Activity_WebVisit
  • Contact
  • Custom tables
  • CampaignResponses

Stored Procedures

Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to Oracle Eloqua that complement the data available from Oracle Eloqua tables. Stored procedures implement actions available in the Bulk API and other API functionality that cannot be expressed as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.

API SQL Limitations

Table-specific API limitations and requirements are documented in Tables and Views; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations. For both the Bulk and REST APIs, the following limitation exists for filtering on datetime columns: The "=" operator cannot be used with datetime columns in the WHERE clause. However, the "<", ">", ">=", and "<=" operators can be used to filter on datetime columns.

Additionally, the UpdatedAt column only supports filtering with the ">" operator.

Oracle Eloqua also has limited support on multiple conditions. In many tables the AND condition between filters is not supported. If AND is included the server might not return any results, nor will it return an error.

Bulk API Limitations

DELETE and UPDATE are not supported by the Bulk API. Additionally, the column count must be <250 for SELECT and must be <= 100 for INSERT.

REST API Limitations

Bulk updates are only supported in the Bulk API.

Custom Table Limitations

Custom tables are read-only in the REST API. In the Bulk API, SELECT and INSERT are supported.

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Build 24.0.8963