ADO.NET Provider for Microsoft SharePoint Excel

Build 23.0.8839

Code からの接続

CData ADO.NET Provider for Microsoft SharePoint Excel は、Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnection に標準DbConnection オブジェクトを実装しています。Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder を使用して、プログラムで接続文字列をビルド、パース、およびリビルドすることもできます。

Connection オブジェクトの作成

接続文字列の定義と認証については、接続の確立 を参照してください。Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnection オブジェクトを作成する一般的な呼び出しは以下のとおりです。


using (Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnection connection =   
  new Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnection("Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;"))  


Using connection As New Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnection("Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;")
End Using

Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder の使用

次のコード例は、ADO.NET 接続文字列ビルダーを使用して接続文字列をパースする方法を示します。


Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder builder =
  new Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder("Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;");
  //Pass the connection string builder an existing connection string, and you can get and set any of the elements as strongly typed properties.
  builder.ConnectionString = "Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;";
  //Now that the connection string has been parsed,
  // you can work with individual items:
  builder.MyString = "new property";
  builder.MyBoolean = true;

  // You can refer to connection keys using strings, 
  // as well. 
  builder["Logfile"] = "test.log";
  builder["Verbosity"] = 5;


Dim builder As Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder = New Microsoft SharePoint ExcelConnectionStringBuilder("Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;")
'Pass the connection string builder an existing connection string, and you can get and set any of the elements using strongly typed properties.
builder.ConnectionString = Url=;;Password=password;File=Book1.xlsx;"
'Now that the connection string has been parsed,
' you can work with individual items:
builder.MyString = "new property"
builder.MyBoolean = True
' You can refer to connection keys using strings, 
' as well. 
builder("Logfile") = "test.log"
builder("Verbosity") = 5

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839