CData Python Connector for QuickBooks POS

Build 23.0.8843


Create, update, and query QuickBooks POS Employees.

Table Specific Information


QuickBooks allows many of the columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can create either Single or Range filters, as defined in the table schema.

Single Filters Single filters make direct comparisons by using the = comparison.
Range Filters Range filters can search only ranges that have an inclusive lower bound, specified by the >= operator, and an exclusive upper bound, specified by the < operator.

To apply a single bound to a string column that has the Range filter type, the = or LIKE operators are available.

To apply a single bound to a numeric or datetime column that has the Range filter type, the >, >=, <, <=, or = operators are available.

SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE LoginName LIKE '%test%'


To create a new employee record, the LoginName field is required.

INSERT INTO Employees (LoginName, FirstName, LastName) 
VALUES ('japple', 'John', 'Apple')


Any field that is not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE Employees SET Phone = '555-123-9876' WHERE ListId = '-1234567890123456789' 


Deleting an employee requires System Administrator privileges, which are only available by logging in directly to QuickBooks POS.


Name Type ReadOnly Filter Type Description
ListID [KEY] String True Single

The unique identifier, generated by QuickBooks POS.

LoginName String False Range

The name the employee will use to log in to QBPOS. Because QBPOS requires that all employee login names be unique, it will append a number to the end of any login name that is the same as an existing one.

FirstName String False Range

The first name of the employee.

LastName String False Range

The last name of the employee.

Street String False Range

Street address of the employee.

Street2 String False Range

The second line of the street address of the employee.

City String False Range

City name for the billing address of the employee.

State String False Range

State name for the billing address of the employee.

PostalCode String False Range

Postal code for the billing address of the employee.

Country String False Range

Country for the billing address of the employee.

Phone String False Range

The primary telephone number for the employee.

Phone2 String False Range

An alternate telephone or fax number for the employee.

Phone3 String False Range

An alternate telephone or fax number for the employee.

Email String False Range

The email address for communicating with the employee.

Notes String False Range

Notes on this employee.

IsTrackingHours Boolean False Single

Indicates whether time is tracked for this employee.

CommissionPercent Double False Range

If sales commissions are paid to this employee, this number specifies the percentage of that commission. You can enter numbers in the range from 0.00-99.99.

SecurityGroup String False Range

The security group assigned to the employee.

CustomFieldsOwnerID String False Multi

Identifies the owner of the CustomFields to be returned in the response. The default value of '0' is sent which refers to a public custom field that is exposed in the QuickBooks POS UI. All other values are GUID's that are created by the owner and are private custom fields (not exposed via the QuickBooks POS UI).

CustomFields String False

Custom fields returned from QuickBooks POS and formatted into XML.

TimeCreated Datetime True Range

When the employee was created.

TimeModified Datetime True Range

When the employee was last modified.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8843