JDBC Driver for QuickBooks POS

Build 23.0.8843


Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks POS Sales Order Items.

Table Specific Information


QuickBooks allows many of the columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can create either Single or Range filters, as defined in the table schema.

Single Filters Single filters make direct comparisons by using the = comparison.
Range Filters Range filters can search only ranges that have an inclusive lower bound, specified by the >= operator, and an exclusive upper bound, specified by the < operator.

To apply a single bound to a string column that has the Range filter type, the = or LIKE operators are available.

To apply a single bound to a numeric or datetime column that has the Range filter type, the >, >=, <, <=, or = operators are available.

SELECT * FROM SalesOrderItems WHERE Associate LIKE '%George%' AND TimeModified >= '1/1/2014' AND TimeModified < '2/1/2014'


Insert can be used to create a new Sales Order record or to add an item to an existing Sales Order record.

To create a new Sales Order record, the PurchaseOrderNumber and VendorListId fields are required.

INSERT INTO SalesOrderItems (CustomerListId, SalesOrderNumber, ItemListId, ItemCost, ItemQty) 
VALUES ('-9876543210987654321', 'SO12345', '-1000000000000000001', 15.00, 1)

To add an item to an existing record, the TxnId column of the Sales Order record that the item is to be added to and the ItemListId are required.

INSERT INTO SalesOrderItems (TxnId, ItemListId, ItemCost, ItemQty) 
VALUES ('-1234567890123456789', '-1000000000000000001', 15.00, 1)


Any field that is not read-only can be updated.

Note: Update operations will count as two operations against the QuickBooks POS API. One is required to retrieve the existing record, and another to update the record with new data.

To perform an update, TxnId and ItemTxnLineId are required fields.

UPDATE SalesOrderItems SET ItemSize = 'L' WHERE TxnId = '-1234567890123456789' AND ItemTxnLineId = '1'


Delete is used to remove an item from the specified record (it will not delete the entire record itself).

Note: Deletion of an item requires that all the wanted items that currently exist in the record be sent in the request, thus deleting those that are not specified. Therefore Delete operations will count as two operations against the QuickBooks POS API. One is required to retrieve the existing record to obtain all the existing ItemTxnLineIds and another to delete the specified item.

To perform a delete, TxnId and ItemTxnLineId are required fields.

DELETE FROM SalesOrderItems WHERE TxnId = '-1234567890123456789' AND ItemTxnLineId = '3'


Name Type ReadOnly Filter Type Description
TxnID [KEY] String True Single

The unique identifier, generated by QuickBooks POS.

CustomerListID String False Single

The reference key to the customer.

Associate String False Range

The employee making the adjustment.

BalanceDue Decimal True Range

The balance remaining on the order.

Cashier String False Range

Name of the employee taking the sales order. This value is autofilled with the logged-in employee name if logins are required.

DepositBalance Decimal True

The sum of all deposits received, less any deposits already used.

Discount Decimal False Range

The amount of any discount applicable to the transaction. Discounts are applied to the subtotal. Entering an amount causes the Discount Percent field to be automatically calculated.

DiscountPercent Double False Range

Enter a percentage discount applicable to the transaction. Discounts are applied to the subtotal. Entering the Discount Percent causes the Discount field to be automatically calculated.

Instructions String False Range

Optional field to provide instructions to the vendor regarding the order. You can add up to two lines of text. This text prints on purchase orders, but is not displayed on-screen.

ItemsCount String True Range

The number of line items in the insert that added the transaction.

PriceLevelNumber String False Single

The price level discount given to the customer. Note that you cannot assign both a discount percentage and a price level to a customer.

PromoCode String False Range

A miscellaneous note on the transaction, usually identifying a special sale. An entry in this field may be required depending on settings in the company preferences.

Qty Double True Range

The quantity of the line item being ordered or transferred.

SalesOrderNumber String False Range

This is a unique number assigned by QBPOS to the sales order at creation.

SalesOrderStatusDesc String False

Current status of the order. Possible values are OPEN, CLOSED, or a custom status you have defined in the company preferences. Used to track and filter the progression of orders for viewing and reporting.

SalesOrderType String False

The type of the customer order document. Possible values are SalesOrder, Layaway, WorkOrder, and WebOrder.

StoreExchangeStatus String True

In multistore configurations, if the customer information has changed, this information is updated at the headquarters store. This response field indicates whether the customer information was successfully updated or not. Possible values are Modified, Sent, and Acknowledged.

Subtotal Decimal True Range

The sum of the extended item costs of the transaction before applying any discounts or fees. This value is updated when a voucher that references the transaction is updated.

TaxAmount Decimal True Range

The tax amount, returned in the response to inserting a non-held transaction.

TaxCategory String False Range

The tax category (tax location).

TaxPercentage String False Range

The tax percentage, returned in the response to inserting the transaction. Either a tax amount or a tax percentage can be specified, but not both. The other value and the document total tax amounts will be recomputed to reflect the value you specify.

Total Decimal True Range

The total amount after discounts and fees are applied. This value is updated when a voucher that references the transaction is updated.

TxnDate Datetime False Range

The date of the transaction. In some cases, if this value is not specified, QBPOS will use the current date or pre-fill TxnDate with the date of the last-saved transaction of the same type.

UnfilledPercent String True Range

The percentage of the total purchase order quantity that has not yet been received. This value is updated when a voucher that references the purchase order is updated.

BillingInformation_Salutation String True

A salutation, such as Mr., Mrs., etc.

BillingInformation_FirstName String True

The first name of the customer as stated in the address info.

BillingInformation_LastName String True

The last name of the customer as stated in the address info.

BillingInformation_CompanyName String True

The name of the company of the customer.

BillingInformation_Phone String True

The primary telephone number for the customer.

BillingInformation_Phone2 String True

An alternate telephone or fax number for the customer.

BillingInformation_Phone3 String True

An alternate telephone or fax number for the customer.

BillingInformation_Street String True

Street address of the billing address of the customer.

BillingInformation_Street2 String True

The second line of the street address of the billing address of the customer.

BillingInformation_City String True

City name for the billing address of the customer.

BillingInformation_State String True

State name for the billing address of the customer.

BillingInformation_PostalCode String True

Postal code for the billing address of the customer.

BillingInformation_Country String True

Country for the billing address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_AddressName String False

The name used to identify the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_CompanyName String False

The company name of the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_FullName String False

The recipient's full name of the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_Phone String False

The primary telephone number for the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_Street String False

Street address of the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_Street2 String False

The second line of the street address of the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_City String False

City name for the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_State String False

State name for the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_PostalCode String False

Postal code for the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_Country String False

Country for the shipping address of the customer.

ShippingInformation_ShipBy String False

The shipping method used to send merchandise to a customer.

ShippingInformation_Shipping Decimal False

Indicates the amount to be paid for shipping.

CustomFieldsOwnerID String False Multi

Identifies the owner of the CustomFields to be returned in the response. The default value of '0' is sent which refers to a public custom field that is exposed in the QuickBooks POS UI. All other values are GUID's that are created by the owner and are private custom fields (not exposed via the QuickBooks POS UI).

CustomFields String False

Custom fields returned from QuickBooks POS and formatted into XML.

TimeCreated Datetime True Range

When the transaction was created.

TimeModified Datetime True Range

When the transaction was last modified.

ItemTxnLineID# [KEY] String True

Identification number of the transaction line. TxnLineId is supported as of version 2.0 of the SDK. With QBXML 1.0 and 1.1, TxnLineId is always returned as zero. If you need to add a new transaction line in an update, you can do so by setting the TxnLineId to -1.

ItemListID# String False

The unique identifier for the item, generated by QuickBooks POS.

ItemALU# String False

Alternate lookup. A user-defined identifier to be used to look up an item. Do not duplicate the Item Number or UPC in this field. This will adversely affect performance for item lookups.

ItemAssociate# String False

The employee making the adjustment transaction.

ItemAttribute# String False

A field used to describe an item characteristic, typically color, pattern, material, or a second size. This value must be 1-8 characters.

ItemCommission# Decimal False

The commission amount for the item, based on the item price and the Associates commission percent, if the item is eligible for commissions.

ItemDesc1# String False

The principal item description field. This description is printed on receipts.

ItemDesc2# String False

Secondary description field usually used for any additional information to describe this particular item, such as the catalog number of the vendor. Also can be used for additional information at the point of sale.

ItemDiscount# Decimal False

The amount of a discount applicable to the transaction. Discounts are applied to the transaction subtotal. Entering an amount causes the Discount Percent field to be automatically calculated.

ItemDiscountPercent# Double False

A percentage discount applicable to the item. Discounts are applied to the transaction subtotal. Entering a discount percentage causes the Discount field to be automatically calculated.

ItemDiscountType# String False

The reason for an item discount.

ItemExtendedPrice# Decimal True

The extended price of a line item.

ItemExtendedTax# Decimal True

Total tax per line item in the order.

ItemItemNumber# Double True

Unique number assigned by QBPOS to the item when it is added.

ItemNumberOfBaseUnits# Double True

The base unit, used to track and report the inventory quantity.

ItemPrice# Decimal False

The purchase price or sales price of this item.

ItemPriceLevelNumber# String True

The suggested price level discount given to the customer. Note that you cannot assign both a discount percentage and a price level to a customer.

ItemQty# Double False

The quantity of the line item being ordered or transferred.

ItemQtySold# Double True

The quantity of the ordered item that is sold to the customer.

ItemSerialNumber# String False

Item serial numbers can be recorded in QBPOS for purposes of warranty tracking or meeting legal requirements.

ItemSize# String False

The size of an item. This field can also be used to describe a second item attribute other than size if desired. This field must be 1-8 characters.

ItemTaxAmount# String True

The tax amount for the item. Either a tax amount or a tax percentage can be specified, but not both; the other value and the document total tax amounts will be recomputed to reflect the value you specify.

ItemTaxCode# String False

The tax code of the item.

ItemTaxPercentage# String True

The tax percentage for the item. Either a tax amount or a tax percentage can be specified, but not both; the other value and the document total tax amounts will be recomputed to reflect the value you specify.

ItemUnitOfMeasure# String False

If the company is using only a single unit of measure, this specifies the unit of measure for the item. If the company is using multiple units of measure, this specifies the base unit of measure for the item.

ItemUPC# String False

The UPC/EAN/ISBN of the item. This field must be 13 characters. If a shorter number is entered, QBPOS uses an appropriate algorithm to lengthen the entry to fill the 13-character field.

ItemWebDesc# String True

The description of the item for use online.

ItemManufacturer# String True

The manufacturer of the item.

ItemWeight# Double True

The weight of the item.

ItemWebSKU# String True

The SKU of the item for online use.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8843