JDBC Driver for QuickBooks POS

Build 22.0.8462

CLI Options

In addition to the UI, the QuickBooks Gateway has a command-line interface that makes it easy to deploy on machines where a user is not always logged in, for example, a Web server. To facilitate deployment to these environments, the QuickBooks Gateway contains two executables:

RemoteConnector.exe Provides the user interface and allows configuration of the application.
RemoteConnectorService.exe Processes requests and performs all interaction with QuickBooks POS.

The syntax for managing the QuickBooks Gateway Windows service from the command line is as follows:

RemoteConnectorService.exe /Service <Command>

The following commands are available:

InstallInstalls the Windows service.
DeleteDeletes the Windows service.
StartStarts the Windows service.
StopStops the Windows service.
StateReports the current state of the Windows service (started or stopped).
AutoChanges the Windows service startup type to Automatic.
ManualChanges the Windows service startup type to Manual.
DisabledChanges the Windows service startup type to Disabled.

You can start the MySQL daemon from the command line, as shown below:

java -jar cdata.jdbc.quickbookspos.jar [ options ]
The following command-line options are available:

-h, --helpDisplay help for available options and exit.
-f, --config-fileThe configuration file for the daemon.
-u, --userThe user allowed to connect. Use a configuration file to configure multiple users. If a user is specified on the command line, then only that user is given access.
-p, --passwordThe password for the user specified with the user option. If both user and password are set on the command line, the users section in the config file is ignored.
-d, --databaseThe database that clients will use to connect. If multiple databases are specified in the config file, connections are allowed to only the database specified on the command line.
-c, --connectionThe connection string used to connect to the data source being surfaced. If no connection string is specified on the command line, the connection string is read from the config file.
-P, --portThe port number to use to listen for TCP/IP connections. The default port is 3306.
-m, --max-connectionsThe maximum number of allowed TCP/IP connections. The default value is 25 connections.
--session-timeoutThe session timeout time in seconds. The default timeout is 20 seconds.
-t, --protocolThe protocol used for remoting. The default value is MySQL.
-g, --logfileThe full path of the log file.
-F, --logrotationschemeThe interval at which to truncate the logs. The options are 1 (daily in the format [MyFileName]_2016_3_21.txt), 2 (weekly in the format [MyFileName]_Week_5.txt, where 5 is the fifth week in the year), and 3 (monthly in the format [MyFileName]_2016_3_21.txt).
-v, --verbosityThe verbosity of the log. 1 is informational. Levels up to 5 add the following subsequent details: (2) HTTP headers, (3) the HTTP body, (4) transport-level communication including SSL, and (5) interface commands and other data source communication.
--testThe database to test the connection with. If this property is not specified, the default database is used.
--ssl-certThe path to the SSL certificate.
--ssl-subjectThe subject of the SSL certificate.
--ssl-passwordThe password of the SSL certificate.
-n, --nodeidDisplays the NodeId of this machine.
-l, --licenseInstalls the license on this machine. This option will prompt you for the type of license and other details.

Options specified on the command line take precedence over options specified in the config file. You can pass in command-line options to specify a restricted subset of the options allowed in the Configuration File.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462