Views are composed of columns and pseudo columns. Views are similar to tables in the way that data is represented; however, views do not support updates. Entities that are represented as views are typically read-only entities. Often, a stored procedure is available to update the data if such functionality is applicable to the data source.
Queries can be executed against a view as if it were a normal table, and the data that comes back is similar in that regard.
Dynamic views, such as queries exposed as views, and views for looking up specific combinations of project_team work items are supported.
CData JDBC Driver for QuickBooks POS Views
Name | Description |
BalanceSheetDetail | Balance Sheet Detail Report. |
BalanceSheetStandard | Balance Sheet Standard Report. |
BalanceSheetSummary | Balance Sheet Summary Report. |
BillingRate | Query QuickBooks Billing Rate. Requires QBXML Version 6.0 or higher. |
BillLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Bill Linked Transactions. |
CompanyInfo | Query the company information from QuickBooks. |
CreditMemoLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Credit Memo Linked Transactions. |
CustomColumns | Query QuickBooks Custom Columns. |
DeletedEntities | Query deleted Entities. |
DeletedTransactions | Query deleted Transactions. |
EstimateLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Estimate Linked transactions. |
Host | Query the QuickBooks host process. The Host represents information about the QuickBooks process currently being executed. |
InvoiceLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Invoice Linked Transactions. |
ItemReceiptLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Item Receipt Linked Transactions. |
ItemSites | Create, update, delete, and query QuickBooks Item Sites. Item sites are only available in QuickBooks Enterprise 2010 and above, and only with the Advanced Inventory add-on. This table requires a minimum of QBXML version 10.0. |
Preferences | Query information about many of the preferences the QuickBooks user has set in the company file. |
ProfitAndLossDetail | Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison Report. |
ProfitAndLossStandard | Profit & Loss YTD Comparison Report. |
PurchaseOrderLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Purchase Order Linked Transactions. |
ReceivePaymentToDeposit | Returns information about payments that have been received and are ready to deposit. |
SalesOrderLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Sales Order Linked Transactions. |
StatementChargeLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Statement Charge Linked Transactions. |
Templates | Query QuickBooks templates. |
Transactions | Query QuickBooks transactions. You may search the Transactions using a number of values including Type, Entity, Account, ReferenceNumber, Item, Class, Date, and TimeModified. |
VendorCreditLinkedTransactions | Query QuickBooks Vendor Credit Linked Transactions. |