ODBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.8963


The driver models the data in Microsoft Dynamics GP as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData ODBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP Tables

Name Description
Applicant Return a list of: Applicant
ApplicantEducation Return a list of: ApplicantEducation
ApplicantInterview Return a list of: ApplicantInterview
ApplicantReference Return a list of: ApplicantReference
ApplicantSkill Return a list of: ApplicantSkill
ApplicantTest Return a list of: ApplicantTest
ApplicantWorkHistory Return a list of: ApplicantWorkHistory
BackOfficeRoleAssignment Return a list of: BackOfficeRoleAssignment
BusinessObjectUserAssignment Return a list of: BusinessObjectUserAssignment
CashReceipt Return a list of: CashReceipt
Customer Return a list of: Customer
CustomerAddress Return a list of: CustomerAddress
Employee Return a list of: Employee
EmployeeAddress Return a list of: EmployeeAddress
EmployeePayCode Return a list of: EmployeePayCode
Fee Return a list of: Fee
GLFixedAllocationAccount Return a list of: GLFixedAllocationAccount
GLPostingAccount Return a list of: GLPostingAccount
GLTransaction Return a list of: GLTransaction
GLUnitAccount Return a list of: GLUnitAccount
GLVariableAllocationAccount Return a list of: GLVariableAllocationAccount
HRRequisition Return a list of: HRRequisition
InventoryAdjustment Return a list of: InventoryAdjustment
InventoryTransfer Return a list of: InventoryTransfer
InventoryVariance Return a list of: InventoryVariance
ItemCurrency Return a list of: ItemCurrency
ItemVendor Return a list of: ItemVendor
ItemWarehouse Return a list of: ItemWarehouse
PayablesCreditMemo Return a list of: PayablesCreditMemo
PayablesFinanceCharge Return a list of: PayablesFinanceCharge
PayablesInvoice Return a list of: PayablesInvoice
PayablesMiscellaneousCharge Return a list of: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge
PayablesReturn Return a list of: PayablesReturn
Policy Return a list of: Policy
Pricing Return a list of: Pricing
PurchaseInvoice Return a list of: PurchaseInvoice
PurchaseOrder Return a list of: PurchaseOrder
PurchaseReceipt Return a list of: PurchaseReceipt
ReceivablesCreditMemo Return a list of: ReceivablesCreditMemo
ReceivablesDebitMemo Return a list of: ReceivablesDebitMemo
ReceivablesFinanceCharge Return a list of: ReceivablesFinanceCharge
ReceivablesInvoice Return a list of: ReceivablesInvoice
ReceivablesReturn Return a list of: ReceivablesReturn
ReceivablesServiceRepair Return a list of: ReceivablesServiceRepair
ReceivablesWarranty Return a list of: ReceivablesWarranty
ReturnMaterialAuthorization Return a list of: ReturnMaterialAuthorization
SalesBackorder Return a list of: SalesBackorder
SalesFulfillmentOrder Return a list of: SalesFulfillmentOrder
SalesInvoice Return a list of: SalesInvoice
SalesOrder Return a list of: SalesOrder
SalesProcessHoldSetup Return a list of: SalesProcessHoldSetup
SalesQuote Return a list of: SalesQuote
SalesReturn Return a list of: SalesReturn
Service Return a list of: Service
ServiceCall Return a list of: ServiceCall
ServiceEquipment Return a list of: ServiceEquipment
ServiceQuote Return a list of: ServiceQuote
Skill Return a list of: Skill
SkillSet Return a list of: SkillSet
Vendor Return a list of: Vendor
VendorAddress Return a list of: VendorAddress
Warehouse Return a list of: Warehouse

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Build 24.0.8963