Return a list of: ServiceCallExpenses
Name | Type | Description |
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
BillToAddressId | String | |
BillToCustomerId | String | |
CurrencyKeyISOCode | String | |
CustomerId | String | |
CustomerName | String | |
CustomerPONumber | String | |
EntryDateTime | Datetime | |
EstimatedArrivalDateTime | Datetime | |
ExchangeDate | Datetime | |
ExchangeRate | Decimal | |
FrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | |
Id | String | |
Note | String | |
OfficeId | String | |
RateTypeId | String | |
ShipToAddressId | String | |
TransactionState | String | |
UserDefined01 | String | |
UserDefined02 | String | |
UserDefined03 | String | |
UserDefined04 | String | |
UserDefined05 | String | |
AuditsAggregate | String | |
CustomerReference | String | |
Description | String | |
DistributionsAggregate | String | |
DocumentTotalCurrency | String | |
DocumentTotal | Decimal | |
EstimatedTimeToRepair | Decimal | |
IsOnHold | Bool | |
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
LaborChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | |
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
LaborChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | |
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
LaborChargesTotalCost | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost | Decimal | |
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
PartsChargesBillablePercent | Decimal | |
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
PartsChargesTotalAmount | Decimal | |
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
PartsChargesTotalCost | Decimal | |
PaymentTermsId | String | |
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency | String | |
PreTaxDocumentAmount | Decimal | |
PriceLevelId | String | |
Priority | Int | |
ResponseDateTime | Datetime | |
SalesPersonId | String | |
ServiceAreaId | String | |
ServiceContractId | String | |
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber | Decimal | |
ServiceTypeId | String | |
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ShipToAddressCity | String | |
ShipToAddressLine1 | String | |
ShipToAddressLine2 | String | |
ShipToAddressLine3 | String | |
ShipToAddressPostalCode | String | |
ShipToAddressState | String | |
ShipToAddressCountryRegion | String | |
ShipToAddressContactPerson | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension | String | |
ShipToAddressPhone1 | String | |
StatusCodeId | String | |
TaxAmountCurrency | String | |
TaxAmount | Decimal | |
TaxExemptNumber1 | String | |
TaxExemptNumber2 | String | |
TaxScheduleId | String | |
TechnicianId | String | |
TimeZoneId | String | |
AdditionalChargesAggregate | String | |
ArrivalDateTime | Datetime | |
CompletionDateTime | Datetime | |
DispatchDateTime | Datetime | |
EquipmentCodesAggregate | String | |
EscalationDateTime | Datetime | |
EscalationLevel | Int | |
ExpensesExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
ExpensesEntryDateTime | Datetime | |
ExpensesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber | Int | |
ExpensesFrontOfficeIntegrationId | String | |
ExpensesItemDescription | String | |
ExpensesItemId | String | |
ExpensesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] | Int | |
ExpensesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] | String | |
ExpensesNote | String | |
ExpensesPriceLevelId | String | |
ExpensesTaxAmountCurrency | String | |
ExpensesTaxAmount | Decimal | |
ExpensesTechnicianId | String | |
ExpensesTotalAmountCurrency | String | |
ExpensesTotalAmount | Decimal | |
ExpensesUnitCostCurrency | String | |
ExpensesUnitCost | Decimal | |
ExpensesUnitPriceCurrency | String | |
ExpensesUnitPrice | Decimal | |
ExpensesUofM | String | |
ExpensesBillableMiscellaneousPercent | Decimal | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO | Bool | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderCreatePO | Bool | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderPromiseDate | Datetime | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderVendorId | String | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber | Int | |
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId | String | |
ExpensesQuantitySold | Decimal | |
ExpensesTotalCostCurrency | String | |
ExpensesTotalCost | Decimal | |
InvoicedAmountCurrency | String | |
InvoicedAmount | Decimal | |
IsCallback | Bool | |
LaborAggregate | String | |
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Meter1CurrentReading | Int | |
Meter1Replaced | Bool | |
Meter1InternalUsage | Int | |
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Meter2CurrentReading | Int | |
Meter2Replaced | Bool | |
Meter2InternalUsage | Int | |
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Meter3CurrentReading | Int | |
Meter3Replaced | Bool | |
Meter3InternalUsage | Int | |
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Meter4CurrentReading | Int | |
Meter4Replaced | Bool | |
Meter4InternalUsage | Int | |
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate | String | |
Meter5CurrentReading | Int | |
Meter5Replaced | Bool | |
Meter5InternalUsage | Int | |
NotifyDateTime | Datetime | |
PartsAggregate | String | |
Type | String | |
WasNotified | Bool |
Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
PagingColumn | String |