SSIS Components for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.8963


Return a list of: PurchaseOrder


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String False

BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal False

BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String False

BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal False

BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String False

BackoutTaxAmount Decimal False

BillToAddressId String False

BuyerId String False

CanceledSubtotalCurrency String False

CanceledSubtotal Decimal False

Comment String False

CommentId String False

ConfirmWith String False

ContractEndDate Datetime False

ContractNumber String False

CreatedBy String False

CreatedDate Datetime False

CurrencyKeyISOCode String False

CustomerId String False

Date Datetime False

DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool False

ExchangeDate Datetime False

ExchangeRate Decimal False

FreightAmountCurrency String False

FreightAmount Decimal False

FreightTaxAmountCurrency String False

FreightTaxAmount Decimal False

FreightTaxBasis String False

FreightTaxScheduleId String False

FreightTaxesAggregate String False

IsOnHold Bool False

Id [KEY] String False

LastEditDate Datetime False

LastPrintedDate Datetime False

LinesAggregate String False

MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String False

MiscellaneousAmount Decimal False

MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String False

MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal False

MiscellaneousTaxBasis String False

MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String False

MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String False

ModifiedDate Datetime False

PaymentTermsId String False

PromisedDate Datetime False

PromisedShipDate Datetime False

PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

PurchaseAddressCity String False

PurchaseAddressLine1 String False

PurchaseAddressLine2 String False

PurchaseAddressLine3 String False

PurchaseAddressPostalCode String False

PurchaseAddressState String False

PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String False

PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String False

PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String False

PurchaseAddressFax String False

PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String False

PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String False

PurchaseAddressPhone1 String False

PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String False

PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String False

PurchaseAddressPhone2 String False

PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String False

PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String False

PurchaseAddressPhone3 String False

PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String False

PurchaseAddressContactPerson String False

PurchaseAddressName String False

PurchaseAddressId String False

RemainingSubtotalCurrency String False

RemainingSubtotal Decimal False

RequestedDate Datetime False

RequisitionDate Datetime False

RevisionNumber Int False

ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

ShipToAddressCity String False

ShipToAddressLine1 String False

ShipToAddressLine2 String False

ShipToAddressLine3 String False

ShipToAddressPostalCode String False

ShipToAddressState String False

ShipToAddressCountryRegion String False

ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String False

ShipToAddressFaxExtension String False

ShipToAddressFax String False

ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String False

ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String False

ShipToAddressPhone1 String False

ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String False

ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String False

ShipToAddressPhone2 String False

ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String False

ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String False

ShipToAddressPhone3 String False

ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String False

ShipToAddressContactPerson String False

ShipToAddressName String False

ShipToAddressId String False

ShippingMethodId String False

Status String False

StatusGroup String False

SubtotalCurrency String False

Subtotal Decimal False

TaxAmountCurrency String False

TaxAmount Decimal False

TaxRegistrationNumber String False

TaxScheduleId String False

TaxesAggregate String False

TermsDiscountItem String False

TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String False

TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal False

TermsDiscountDate Datetime False

TermsDueDate Datetime False

TimesPrinted Int False

TotalAmountCurrency String False

TotalAmount Decimal False

TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String False

TradeDiscountAmount Decimal False

TransactionState String False

Type String False

VendorId [KEY] String False

VendorName String False

WorkflowPriority String False

WorkflowsAggregate String False


Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PagingColumn String

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Build 24.0.8963