JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111


Return a list of: ServiceCall


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

BillToAddressId String False

BillToCustomerId String False

CurrencyKeyISOCode String False

CustomerId String False

CustomerName String False

CustomerPONumber String False

EntryDateTime Datetime False

EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime False

ExchangeDate Datetime False

ExchangeRate Decimal False

FrontOfficeIntegrationId String False

Id [KEY] String False

Note String False

OfficeId String False

RateTypeId String False

ShipToAddressId String False

TransactionState String False

UserDefined01 String False

UserDefined02 String False

UserDefined03 String False

UserDefined04 String False

UserDefined05 String False

AuditsAggregate String False

CustomerReference String False

Description String False

DistributionsAggregate String False

DocumentTotalCurrency String False

DocumentTotal Decimal False

EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal False

IsOnHold Bool False

LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal False

LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String False

LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal False

LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String False

LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal False

MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal False

MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String False

MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal False

MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String False

MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal False

PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal False

PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String False

PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal False

PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String False

PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal False

PaymentTermsId String False

PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String False

PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal False

PriceLevelId String False

Priority Int False

ResponseDateTime Datetime False

SalesPersonId String False

ServiceAreaId String False

ServiceContractId String False

ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal False

ServiceTypeId String False

ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

ShipToAddressCity String False

ShipToAddressLine1 String False

ShipToAddressLine2 String False

ShipToAddressLine3 String False

ShipToAddressPostalCode String False

ShipToAddressState String False

ShipToAddressCountryRegion String False

ShipToAddressContactPerson String False

ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String False

ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String False

ShipToAddressPhone1 String False

StatusCodeId String False

TaxAmountCurrency String False

TaxAmount Decimal False

TaxExemptNumber1 String False

TaxExemptNumber2 String False

TaxScheduleId String False

TechnicianId String False

TimeZoneId String False

AdditionalChargesAggregate String False

ArrivalDateTime Datetime False

CompletionDateTime Datetime False

DispatchDateTime Datetime False

EquipmentCodesAggregate String False

EscalationDateTime Datetime False

EscalationLevel Int False

ExpensesAggregate String False

InvoicedAmountCurrency String False

InvoicedAmount Decimal False

IsCallback Bool False

LaborAggregate String False

Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

Meter1CurrentReading Int False

Meter1Replaced Bool False

Meter1InternalUsage Int False

Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

Meter2CurrentReading Int False

Meter2Replaced Bool False

Meter2InternalUsage Int False

Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

Meter3CurrentReading Int False

Meter3Replaced Bool False

Meter3InternalUsage Int False

Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

Meter4CurrentReading Int False

Meter4Replaced Bool False

Meter4InternalUsage Int False

Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

Meter5CurrentReading Int False

Meter5Replaced Bool False

Meter5InternalUsage Int False

NotifyDateTime Datetime False

PartsAggregate String False

Type String False

WasNotified Bool False


Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PagingColumn String

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Build 24.0.9111