JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111


Return a list of: EmployeePayCode


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

ApplicableTaxesIsFederalTaxApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsFutaApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsLocalTaxApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsMedicareApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsSocialSecurityApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsStateTaxApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesIsSutaApplied Bool False

ApplicableTaxesSutaState String False

BasePayRecordId String False

BasedOnRate Decimal False

EmployeePayCodeKeyEmployeeId [KEY] String False

EmployeePayCodeKeyPayCodeId [KEY] String False

FlatTaxRatesFederal Decimal False

FlatTaxRatesState Decimal False

IsDataEntry Bool False

IsInactive Bool False

IsPrimaryPayRecord Bool False

IsReportAsWages Bool False

IsSickTimeAccrued Bool False

IsTaxable Bool False

IsVacationAccrued Bool False

MaxPayPerPeriod Decimal False

Notes String False

PayAdvance Decimal False

PayAdvanceTaken Decimal False

PayFactor Decimal False

PayPerPeriod Decimal False

PayPeriod String False

PayRate Decimal False

PayStepBasedOn String False

PayStepEffectiveDate Datetime False

PayStepPayStepId String False

PayStepStep Int False

PayStepStepFTE Decimal False

PayType String False

PayUnit String False

PayUnitPeriod String False

ShiftCode String False

TipType String False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel1 String False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel2 String False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel3 String False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel4 String False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber1 Int False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber2 Int False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber3 Int False

W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber4 Int False

WorkersComp String False


Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PagingColumn String

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Build 24.0.9111