JDBC Driver for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.9111


Return a list of: Employee


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

AddressesAggregate String False

BenefitExpiration Datetime False

BenefitStartDate Datetime False

BirthDate Datetime False

ClassId String False

CompanyAddressId String False

DayOfBirth Int False

DefaultAddressKeyEmployeeId String False

DefaultAddressId String False

DefaultCashAccountFromType String False

DepartmentId String False

DivisionId String False

DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance Bool False

EmployeeInactivatedDate Datetime False

EmployeeId [KEY] String False

EmploymentStartDate Datetime False

EmploymentType String False

Ethnicity String False

FederalClass String False

GLAccountId String False

GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

GenderCode String False

HRStatus String False

I9RenewDate Datetime False

IsActive Bool False

IsDisabled Bool False

IsDisabledVeteran Bool False

IsI9Verified Bool False

IsOtherVeteran Bool False

IsSmoker Bool False

IsUnionEmployee Bool False

IsUnitedStatesCitizen Bool False

IsVeteran Bool False

IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool False

LastWorkedDate Datetime False

MaritalStatus String False

MilitaryDischargeDate Datetime False

MinimumNetPayCurrency String False

MinimumNetPay Decimal False

ModifiedBy String False

ModifiedDate Datetime False

MonthOfBirth String False

NameAlternate String False

NameFamily String False

NameGiven String False

NameMiddle String False

NamePreferred String False

NameSuffix String False

PositionId String False

PrimaryPayCodeId String False

RateClass String False

ReasonEmployeeInactivated String False

ReviewLastDate Datetime False

ReviewNextDate Datetime False

SUTAStateId String False

SickTimeAccrualAmount Decimal False

SickTimeAccrualMethod String False

SickTimeDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool False

SickTimeHoursAvailable Decimal False

SickTimeHoursPerYear Int False

SickTimeWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool False

SpouseName String False

SpouseTaxIdentifier String False

Status String False

SupervisorId String False

TaxIdentifier String False

UnionId String False

UserDefined1 String False

UserDefined2 String False

VacationAccrualAmount Decimal False

VacationAccrualMethod String False

VacationDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool False

VacationHoursAvailable Decimal False

VacationHoursPerYear Int False

VacationWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool False

WorkHoursPerYear Int False

WorkersCompensationId String False


Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PagingColumn String

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Build 24.0.9111