ADO.NET Provider for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Build 24.0.8963


Return a list of: Vendor


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String False

AccountsPayableGLAccountId String False

AccountsPayableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

AccruedPurchasesGLAccountId String False

AccruedPurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

AddressesAggregate String False

AllowRevaluation Bool False

BankAccountId String False

CashGLAccountId String False

CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

CheckName String False

ClassId String False

Comment1 String False

Comment2 String False

CreatedDate Datetime False

CreditLimitItem String False

CurrencyKeyISOCode String False

DefaultAddressId String False

DefaultAddressKeyVendorId String False

DefaultCashAccountType String False

DiscountGracePeriod Int False

DueDateGracePeriod Int False

FinanceChargesGLAccountId String False

FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

FreeOnBoard String False

FreightGLAccountId String False

FreightGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory Bool False

HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory Bool False

HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory Bool False

HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory Bool False

IsActive Bool False

IsOnHold Bool False

IsOneTime Bool False

Id [KEY] String False

Language String False

MaximumInvoiceItem String False

MaximumWriteoffItem String False

MinimumOrderAmountCurrency String False

MinimumOrderAmount Decimal False

MinimumPaymentItem String False

MiscellaneousGLAccountId String False

MiscellaneousGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

ModifiedDate Datetime False

Name String False

Notes String False

PaymentPriority String False

PaymentTermsId String False

PostResultsTo String False

ProjectAccountingOptionsDefaultPurchaseOrderFormat String False

ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCostCurrency String False

ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCost Decimal False

ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitOfMeasure String False

ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined1 String False

ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined2 String False

PurchaseAddressId String False

PurchaseAddressKeyVendorId String False

PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String False

PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

PurchasesGLAccountId String False

PurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

RateTypeId String False

RemitToAddressId String False

RemitToAddressKeyVendorId String False

ShipFromAddressId String False

ShipFromAddressKeyVendorId String False

ShortName String False

Tax1099BoxNumber Int False

Tax1099Type String False

TaxGLAccountId String False

TaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

TaxIdentificationNumber String False

TaxRegistrationNumber String False

TaxSchedule String False

TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId String False

TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId String False

TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

TradeDiscountGLAccountId String False

TradeDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False

TradeDiscountPercent Decimal False

UserDefined1 String False

UserDefined2 String False

UserLanguageId Int False

VendorAccountNumber String False

WorkflowPriority String False

WorkflowsAggregate String False

WriteoffGLAccountId String False

WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool False


Pseudo-Column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
PagingColumn String

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Build 24.0.8963