The NetSuite table Topic.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InternalId [KEY] | String | True |
The InternalId of the Topic. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the Topic. |
ExternalId | String | False |
The ExternalId of the Topic. |
IsInactive | Boolean | False |
The IsInactive of the Topic. |
LongDescription | String | False |
The LongDescription of the Topic. |
ParentTopic_ExternalId | String | False |
The ParentTopic_ExternalId of the Topic. |
ParentTopic_InternalId | String | False |
The ParentTopic_InternalId of the Topic. |
ParentTopic_Name | String | False |
The ParentTopic_Name of the Topic. |
ParentTopic_Type | String | False |
The ParentTopic_Type of the Topic. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
SolutionList_ReplaceAll | Boolean | False |
The SolutionList_ReplaceAll of the Topic. |
Title | String | False |
The Title of the Topic. |