Returns the saved searches in NetSuite. A SearchType must be specified in order to retrieve saved searches.
Name | Type | Description |
InternalId | String | The InternalId of the saved search. |
Name | String | The name of the saved search. |
SearchType | String | The type of search. This value must be specified when retrieving data.
The allowed values are Account, AccountingPeriod, AccountingTransaction, BillingAccount, BillingSchedule, Bin, Bom, BomRevision, Budget, CalendarEvent, Campaign, Charge, Classification, Contact, ContactCategory, ContactRole, CostCategory, ConsolidatedExchangeRate, CouponCode, CurrencyRate, Customer, CustomerCategory, CustomerMessage, CustomerStatus, CustomerSubsidiaryRelationship, CustomList, CustomRecord, Department, Employee, EntityGroup, ExpenseCategory, FairValuePrice, File, Folder, GiftCertificate, GlobalAccountMapping, HcmJob, InboundShipment, InventoryNumber, Item, ItemAccountMapping, ItemDemandPlan, ItemRevision, ItemSupplyPlan, Issue, Job, JobStatus, JobType, Location, ManufacturingCostTemplate, ManufacturingOperationTask, ManufacturingRouting, MerchandiseHierarchyNode, Message, Nexus, Note, NoteType, Opportunity, OtherNameCategory, Partner, PartnerCategory, Paycheck, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, PhoneCall, PriceLevel, PricingGroup, ProjectTask, PromotionCode, ResourceAllocation, RevRecSchedule, RevRecTemplate, SalesRole, SalesTaxItem, Solution, SiteCategory, Subsidiary, SupportCase, Task, TaxGroup, TaxType, Term, TimeBill, TimeSheet, Topic, Transaction, UnitsType, Usage, Vendor, VendorCategory, VendorSubsidiaryRelationship, WinLossReason. |