The NetSuite table PaymentMethod.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InternalId [KEY] | String | True |
The InternalId of the PaymentMethod. |
Account_ExternalId | String | False |
The Account_ExternalId of the PaymentMethod. |
Account_InternalId | String | False |
The Account_InternalId of the PaymentMethod. |
Account_Name | String | False |
The Account_Name of the PaymentMethod. |
Account_Type | String | False |
The Account_Type of the PaymentMethod. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
CreditCard | Boolean | False |
The CreditCard of the PaymentMethod. |
ExpressCheckoutArrangement | String | False |
The ExpressCheckoutArrangement of the PaymentMethod. |
ExternalId | String | False |
The ExternalId of the PaymentMethod. |
IsDebitCard | Boolean | False |
The IsDebitCard of the PaymentMethod. |
IsInactive | Boolean | False |
The IsInactive of the PaymentMethod. |
IsOnline | Boolean | False |
The IsOnline of the PaymentMethod. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the PaymentMethod. |
PayPalEmailAddress | String | False |
The PayPalEmailAddress of the PaymentMethod. |
UndepFunds | Boolean | False |
The UndepFunds of the PaymentMethod. |
UseExpressCheckout | Boolean | False |
The UseExpressCheckout of the PaymentMethod. |