The NetSuite table Location.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InternalId [KEY] | String | True |
The InternalId of the Location. |
Addr1 | String | False |
The Addr1 of the Location. |
Addr2 | String | False |
The Addr2 of the Location. |
Addr3 | String | False |
The Addr3 of the Location. |
Addressee | String | False |
The Addressee of the Location. |
AddrPhone | String | False |
The AddrPhone of the Location. |
AddrText | String | False |
The AddrText of the Location. |
Attention | String | False |
The Attention of the Location. |
City | String | False |
The City of the Location. |
ClassTranslationList_ReplaceAll | Boolean | False |
The ClassTranslationList_ReplaceAll of the Location. |
Country | String | False |
The Country of the Location. The allowed values are _afghanistan, _alandIslands, _albania, _algeria, _americanSamoa, _andorra, _angola, _anguilla, _antarctica, _antiguaAndBarbuda, _argentina, _armenia, _aruba, _australia, _austria, _azerbaijan, _bahamas, _bahrain, _bangladesh, _barbados, _belarus, _belgium, _belize, _benin, _bermuda, _bhutan, _bolivia, _bonaireSaintEustatiusAndSaba, _bosniaAndHerzegovina, _botswana, _bouvetIsland, _brazil, _britishIndianOceanTerritory, _bruneiDarussalam, _bulgaria, _burkinaFaso, _burundi, _cambodia, _cameroon, _canada, _canaryIslands, _capeVerde, _caymanIslands, _centralAfricanRepublic, _ceutaAndMelilla, _chad, _chile, _china, _christmasIsland, _cocosKeelingIslands, _colombia, _comoros, _congoDemocraticPeoplesRepublic, _congoRepublicOf, _cookIslands, _costaRica, _coteDIvoire, _croatiaHrvatska, _cuba, _curacao, _cyprus, _czechRepublic, _denmark, _djibouti, _dominica, _dominicanRepublic, _eastTimor, _ecuador, _egypt, _elSalvador, _equatorialGuinea, _eritrea, _estonia, _ethiopia, _falklandIslands, _faroeIslands, _fiji, _finland, _france, _frenchGuiana, _frenchPolynesia, _frenchSouthernTerritories, _gabon, _gambia, _georgia, _germany, _ghana, _gibraltar, _greece, _greenland, _grenada, _guadeloupe, _guam, _guatemala, _guernsey, _guinea, _guineaBissau, _guyana, _haiti, _heardAndMcDonaldIslands, _holySeeCityVaticanState, _honduras, _hongKong, _hungary, _iceland, _india, _indonesia, _iranIslamicRepublicOf, _iraq, _ireland, _isleOfMan, _israel, _italy, _jamaica, _japan, _jersey, _jordan, _kazakhstan, _kenya, _kiribati, _koreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublic, _koreaRepublicOf, _kosovo, _kuwait, _kyrgyzstan, _laoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic, _latvia, _lebanon, _lesotho, _liberia, _libyanArabJamahiriya, _liechtenstein, _lithuania, _luxembourg, _macau, _macedonia, _madagascar, _malawi, _malaysia, _maldives, _mali, _malta, _marshallIslands, _martinique, _mauritania, _mauritius, _mayotte, _mexico, _micronesiaFederalStateOf, _moldovaRepublicOf, _monaco, _mongolia, _montenegro, _montserrat, _morocco, _mozambique, _myanmar, _namibia, _nauru, _nepal, _netherlands, _newCaledonia, _newZealand, _nicaragua, _niger, _nigeria, _niue, _norfolkIsland, _northernMarianaIslands, _norway, _oman, _pakistan, _palau, _palestinianTerritories, _panama, _papuaNewGuinea, _paraguay, _peru, _philippines, _pitcairnIsland, _poland, _portugal, _puertoRico, _qatar, _reunionIsland, _romania, _russianFederation, _rwanda, _saintBarthelemy, _saintHelena, _saintKittsAndNevis, _saintLucia, _saintMartin, _saintVincentAndTheGrenadines, _samoa, _sanMarino, _saoTomeAndPrincipe, _saudiArabia, _senegal, _serbia, _seychelles, _sierraLeone, _singapore, _sintMaarten, _slovakRepublic, _slovenia, _solomonIslands, _somalia, _southAfrica, _southGeorgia, _southSudan, _spain, _sriLanka, _stPierreAndMiquelon, _sudan, _suriname, _svalbardAndJanMayenIslands, _swaziland, _sweden, _switzerland, _syrianArabRepublic, _taiwan, _tajikistan, _tanzania, _thailand, _togo, _tokelau, _tonga, _trinidadAndTobago, _tunisia, _turkey, _turkmenistan, _turksAndCaicosIslands, _tuvalu, _uganda, _ukraine, _unitedArabEmirates, _unitedKingdomGB, _unitedStates, _uruguay, _uSMinorOutlyingIslands, _uzbekistan, _vanuatu, _venezuela, _vietnam, _virginIslandsBritish, _virginIslandsUSA, _wallisAndFutunaIslands, _westernSahara, _yemen, _zambia, _zimbabwe. |
ExternalId | String | False |
The ExternalId of the Location. |
IncludeChildren | Boolean | False |
The IncludeChildren of the Location. |
IsInactive | Boolean | False |
The IsInactive of the Location. |
Logo_ExternalId | String | False |
The Logo_ExternalId of the Location. |
Logo_InternalId | String | False |
The Logo_InternalId of the Location. |
Logo_Name | String | False |
The Logo_Name of the Location. |
Logo_Type | String | False |
The Logo_Type of the Location. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
MakeInventoryAvailable | Boolean | False |
The MakeInventoryAvailable of the Location. |
MakeInventoryAvailableStore | Boolean | False |
The MakeInventoryAvailableStore of the Location. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the Location. |
Override | Boolean | False |
The Override of the Location. |
Parent_ExternalId | String | False |
The Parent_ExternalId of the Location. |
Parent_InternalId | String | False |
The Parent_InternalId of the Location. |
Parent_Name | String | False |
The Parent_Name of the Location. |
Parent_Type | String | False |
The Parent_Type of the Location. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
State | String | False |
The State of the Location. |
TranPrefix | String | False |
The TranPrefix of the Location. |
Zip | String | False |
The Zip of the Location. |