The NetSuite table File.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InternalId [KEY] | String | True |
The InternalId of the File. |
AltTagCaption | String | False |
The AltTagCaption of the File. |
AttachFrom | String | False |
The AttachFrom of the File. The allowed values are _computer, _web. |
Bundleable | Boolean | False |
The Bundleable of the File. |
Caption | String | False |
The Caption of the File. |
Class | String | False |
The Class of the File. |
Content | String | False |
The Content of the File. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | False |
The CreatedDate of the File. |
Department | String | False |
The Department of the File. |
Description | String | False |
The Description of the File. |
Encoding | String | False |
The Encoding of the File. The allowed values are _autoDetect, _shiftJis, _utf8, _windows1252. |
ExternalId | String | False |
The ExternalId of the File. |
FeaturedDescription | String | False |
The FeaturedDescription of the File. |
FileSize | Double | False |
The FileSize of the File. |
FileType | String | False |
Folder_ExternalId | String | False |
The Folder_ExternalId of the File. |
Folder_InternalId | String | False |
The Folder_InternalId of the File. |
Folder_Name | String | False |
The Folder_Name of the File. |
Folder_Type | String | False |
The Folder_Type of the File. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
HideInBundle | Boolean | False |
The HideInBundle of the File. |
IsInactive | Boolean | False |
The IsInactive of the File. |
IsOnline | Boolean | False |
The IsOnline of the File. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False |
The IsPrivate of the File. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | False |
The LastModifiedDate of the File. |
MediaFile_ExternalId | String | False |
The MediaFile_ExternalId of the File. |
MediaFile_InternalId | String | False |
The MediaFile_InternalId of the File. |
MediaFile_Name | String | False |
The MediaFile_Name of the File. |
MediaFile_Type | String | False |
The MediaFile_Type of the File. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
MediaTypeName | String | False |
The MediaTypeName of the File. |
Name | String | False |
The Name of the File. |
Owner_ExternalId | String | False |
The Owner_ExternalId of the File. |
Owner_InternalId | String | False |
The Owner_InternalId of the File. |
Owner_Name | String | False |
The Owner_Name of the File. |
Owner_Type | String | False |
The Owner_Type of the File. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
SiteCategoryList_ReplaceAll | Boolean | False |
The SiteCategoryList_ReplaceAll of the File. |
SiteDescription | String | False |
The SiteDescription of the File. |
StoreDisplayThumbnail_ExternalId | String | False |
The StoreDisplayThumbnail_ExternalId of the File. |
StoreDisplayThumbnail_InternalId | String | False |
The StoreDisplayThumbnail_InternalId of the File. |
StoreDisplayThumbnail_Name | String | False |
The StoreDisplayThumbnail_Name of the File. |
StoreDisplayThumbnail_Type | String | False |
The StoreDisplayThumbnail_Type of the File. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
TextFileEncoding | String | False |
The TextFileEncoding of the File. The allowed values are _big5, _gb2312, _gb18030, _iso88591, _macRoman, _shiftJis, _utf8, _windows1252. |
Url | String | False |
The Url of the File. |
UrlComponent | String | False |
The UrlComponent of the File. |