Returns information about the custom fields in NetSuite. CustomFields may be retrieved by CustomFieldType, or by a combination of CustomFieldType and InternalId. If no CustomFieldType is specified, all custom fields will be returned.
Name | Type | Description |
InternalId | String | The InternalId of the custom field. |
ScriptId | String | The ScriptId of the custom field. |
Label | String | The name of the custom field. |
CustomFieldType | String | The type of custom field being requested. |
AccessLevel | String | The level of access granted to interact with this custom field. |
AvailableExternally | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field is available externally. |
CheckSpelling | Boolean | A boolean indicating if spell check is enabled for this custom field. |
DefaultChecked | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this field is checked by default. |
DefaultSelection_InternalId | String | The internalid of the default record for this custom field. |
DefaultSelection_Name | String | The name of the default record for this custom field. |
DefaultValue | String | The default value for this custom field. |
Description | String | A description for the custom field. |
DynamicDefault | String | The dynamic default value determined when an entity is created. |
DisplayType | String | The way the column is displayed to a user on NetSuite. |
FieldType | String | A boolean describing what type of data is stored in the custom field. |
Help | String | Help information that comes up when you mouse over the custom field in NetSuite. |
IsFormula | Boolean | A boolean indicating if the custom field is a formula. |
IsMandatory | Boolean | A boolean indicating if the custom field is mandatory. |
IsParent | Boolean | A boolean indicating if the custom field is a parent. |
ItemSubType | String | What type of items this custom field is available for (purchase, sale, or both). |
MaxLength | Long | The maximum length for the custom field if it is an integer or long. |
MaxValue | Double | The maximum value for the custom field if it is a double. |
MinValue | Double | The minimum value for the custom field if it is a double. |
Owner_Name | String | The name of the owner of the custom field. |
Owner_InternalId | String | The internalid of the owner of the custom field. |
SelectRecordType_InternalId | String | The internalId of the type of record that may be selected for this custom field. |
SelectRecordType_Name | String | The name of the type of record that may be selected for this custom field. |
ShowInList | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this field should be shown in a listing. |
ShowIssuesChanges | Boolean | A boolean indicating if NetSuite shows changes to this field on the Issue record. |
StoreValue | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this field stores a value. |
Subtab_Name | String | The name of the subtab this custom field may be found on. |
Subtab_InternalId | String | The internal id of the subtab this custom field may be found on. |
RecType_Name | String | The name of the record type this custom field is applicable for. Only valid for OtherCustomFields. |
RecType_InternalId | String | The internalid of the record type this custom field is applicable for. Only valid for OtherCustomFields. |
AppliesToAllItems | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to all items. |
AppliesToCase | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the support case record. |
AppliesToCampaign | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the campaign record. |
AppliesToContact | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the contact record. |
AppliesToCustomer | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the customer record. |
AppliesToEmployee | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the employee record. |
AppliesToEvent | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the event record. |
AppliesToGiftCerts | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to gift certificates. |
AppliesToGroup | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to groups. |
AppliesToInventory | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the inventory items. |
AppliesToIssue | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the issue record. |
AppliesToItemAssembly | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the item assemblies. |
AppliesPerKeyword | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies per keyword. |
AppliesToKit | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to kit items. |
AppliesToLots | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to all items lots. |
AppliesToMfgProjectTask | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to manufacturing operation tasks. |
AppliesToNonInventory | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to non inventory items. |
AppliesToProject | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the job record. |
AppliesToOtherCharge | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to other charges. |
AppliesToOtherName | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to other names records. |
AppliesToPartner | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the partner record. |
AppliesToPhoneCall | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the phone call record. |
AppliesToProjectTask | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the project task record. |
AppliesToPriceList | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the price list. |
AppliesToSerialized | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to all serialized items |
AppliesToService | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to service items. |
AppliesToSolution | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the solution record. |
AppliesToStatement | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the statement record. |
AppliesToTask | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the task record. |
AppliesToWebSite | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the website record. |
AppliesToVendor | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to the vendor record. |
BodyAssemblyBuild | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of assembly build transactions. |
BodyBom | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on on the body of a BOM. |
BodyCustomerPayment | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of customer payment transactions. |
BodyDeposit | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of deposit transactions. |
BodyExpenseReport | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of expense report transactions. |
BodyInventoryAdjustment | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of inventory adjustment transactions. |
BodyItemFulfillment | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of item fulfillment transactions. |
BodyItemFulfillmentOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of item fulfillment order transactions. |
BodyItemReceipt | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of item receipt transactions. |
BodyItemReceiptOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of item receipt order transactions. |
BodyJournal | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of journal transactions. |
BodyOpportunity | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of opportunity transactions. |
BodyPickingTicket | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the body of picking tickets. |
BodyPrintFlag | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the body of standard forms. |
BodyPrintPackingSlip | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the body of packing slips. |
BodyPrintStatement | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the body of statements. |
BodyPurchase | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of purchase transactions. |
BodySale | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of sale transactions. |
BodyStore | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of store transactions. |
BodyTransferOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of transfer order transactions. |
BodyVendorPayment | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears on the body of vendor payment transactions. |
ColAllItems | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for all items. |
ColBuild | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for work order transactions. |
ColExpense | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for expense transactions. |
ColExpenseReport | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for expense report transactions. |
ColGroupOnInvoices | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field is grouped on invoices. |
ColItemFulfillment | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for item fulfillment transactions. |
ColItemFulfillmentOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for item fulfillment order transactions. |
ColItemReceipt | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for item receipt transactions. |
ColItemReceiptOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for item receipt order transactions. |
ColJournal | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for journal transactions. |
ColKitItem | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for kit / assembly components. |
ColOpportunity | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for opportunity transactions. |
ColPackingSlip | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the item list for packing slips. |
ColPickingTicket | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the item list for picking tickets. |
ColPrintFlag | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the item list for standard forms. |
ColPurchase | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for purchase transactions. |
ColReturnForm | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be printed on the item list for return forms. |
ColSale | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for sale transactions. |
ColStore | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field applies to your web store items . |
ColStoreHidden | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should be hidden on your web store transactions. |
ColStoreWithGroups | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field should apply to item groups. |
ColTime | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for time transactions. |
ColTimeGroup | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears apply to time groups. |
ColTransferOrder | Boolean | A boolean indicating if this custom field appears in the item list for transfer order transactions. |
ItemsListAggregate | String | An aggregate of individual items this custom field applies to. |
DeptAccessListAggregate | String | An aggregate of the departments that have access to the custom field. |
RoleAccessListAggregate | String | An aggregate of roles that have access this custom field. |
SubAccessListAggregate | String | An aggregate of the subsidiaries that have access to this custom field. |
TranslationsListAggregate | String | An aggregage of translations for the custom field label and help. |