The NetSuite table Bin.
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
InternalId [KEY] | String | True |
The InternalId of the Bin. |
BinNumber | String | False |
The BinNumber of the Bin. |
ExternalId | String | False |
The ExternalId of the Bin. |
IsInactive | Boolean | False |
The IsInactive of the Bin. |
Location_ExternalId | String | False |
The Location_ExternalId of the Bin. |
Location_InternalId | String | False |
The Location_InternalId of the Bin. |
Location_Name | String | False |
The Location_Name of the Bin. |
Location_Type | String | False |
The Location_Type of the Bin. The allowed values are account, accountingPeriod, appDefinition, appPackage, assemblyBuild, assemblyUnbuild, assemblyItem, bin, binTransfer, binWorksheet, budget, budgetCategory, calendarEvent, campaign, campaignAudience, campaignCategory, campaignChannel, campaignFamily, campaignOffer, campaignResponse, campaignSearchEngine, campaignSubscription, campaignVertical, cashRefund, cashSale, check, classification, contact, contactCategory, contactRole, costCategory, couponCode, creditMemo, crmCustomField, currency, currencyRate, customList, customRecord, customRecordCustomField, customRecordType, customer, customerCategory, customerDeposit, customerMessage, customerPayment, customerRefund, customerStatus, depositApplication, department, descriptionItem, discountItem, downloadItem, employee, entityCustomField, entityGroup, estimate, expenseCategory, expenseReport, file, folder, giftCertificate, giftCertificateItem, interCompanyJournalEntry, interCompanyTransferOrder, inventoryAdjustment, inventoryItem, inventoryNumber, inventoryTransfer, invoice, itemCustomField, itemDemandPlan, itemFulfillment, itemGroup, itemNumberCustomField, itemOptionCustomField, itemSupplyPlan, itemRevision, issue, job, jobStatus, jobType, itemReceipt, journalEntry, kitItem, leadSource, location, lotNumberedInventoryItem, lotNumberedAssemblyItem, markupItem, message, manufacturingCostTemplate, manufacturingOperationTask, manufacturingRouting, nexus, nonInventoryPurchaseItem, nonInventoryResaleItem, nonInventorySaleItem, note, noteType, opportunity, otherChargePurchaseItem, otherChargeResaleItem, otherChargeSaleItem, otherCustomField, otherNameCategory, partner, partnerCategory, paycheckJournal, paymentItem, paymentMethod, payrollItem, phoneCall, priceLevel, pricingGroup, projectTask, promotionCode, purchaseOrder, returnAuthorization, revRecSchedule, revRecTemplate, salesOrder, salesRole, salesTaxItem, serializedInventoryItem, serializedAssemblyItem, servicePurchaseItem, serviceResaleItem, serviceSaleItem, solution, siteCategory, state, subsidiary, subtotalItem, supportCase, supportCaseIssue, supportCaseOrigin, supportCasePriority, supportCaseStatus, supportCaseType, task, taxGroup, taxType, term, timeBill, topic, transferOrder, transactionBodyCustomField, transactionColumnCustomField, unitsType, vendor, vendorCategory, vendorBill, vendorCredit, vendorPayment, vendorReturnAuthorization, winLossReason, workOrder, workOrderIssue, workOrderCompletion, workOrderClose. |
Memo | String | False |
The Memo of the Bin. |