A enum indicating whether you want to use internal names or labels for customizations. The default behavior of the NetSuite displays records and columns with their internal names.
Possible Values
None, TablesOnly, TablesAndColumnsData Type
Default Value
Typically, when surfacing tables for custom records and columns for custom fields, a customization's Label also displays. This is done for ease of use, so that things appear as they do in the NetSuite UI. However, if someone later goes into NetSuite and modifies the label, the custom field or custom record name displayed in our tool also changes. To avoid this situation, set UseInternalNamesForCustomizations to None. This causes our tool to always display the internal API names for custom fields or custom records. To diplay table names as labels set UseInternalNamesForCustomizations to TablesOnly. To diplay table names and columns as labels set UseInternalNamesForCustomizations to TablesAndColumns. Internal API names cannot be changed.
None | Use internal names for tables and columns. |
TablesOnly | Use label names for tables. |
TablesAndColumns | Use label names for tables and columns. |