Permission Configurations
In NetSuite there are many permissions that may be used by the CData Power BI Connector for NetSuite. Permissions may be configured for a role in NetSuite under Setup --> Users/Roles --> Manage Roles. This page contains two lists of permissions, first the most commonly required, and then other permissions for fuller support. Please be aware that it is not possible for us to provide an exhaustive list of permissions as NetSuite adds support for new entities and permissions with each version.
Most Commonly Required
Note: Most of the following permissions fall under the Permissions --> Setup section for a role.
Permission | Used For |
Access Token Management | Allows users to create access tokens for Token Based Authentication. |
Custom <type> Fields (VIEW) | Allows users to see custom fields of the given type. Used with IncludeCustomFieldColumns. |
Custom Lists (VIEW) | Allows displaying metadata for custom list tables. Used with IncludeCustomListTables. |
Custom Record Types (VIEW) | Allows displaying metadata for custom record tables. Used with IncludeCustomRecordTables. |
Customer (VIEW) | This specific permission is under Permissions => Lists. It is used for testing the connection in RESTlets. |
Deleted Records (VIEW) | Used for retrieving information on deleted records. |
Log in Using Access Tokens | Allows the user to log in to REST / SOAP services with a token. |
Log in Using OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens | Access REST web services and RESTlets using OAuth 2.0 access tokens. |
REST Web Services | All REST requests including when Schema is set to SuiteQL, and support for RESTlets. |
SOAP Web Services | All SOAP requests including when Schema is set to SuiteTalk (default), test connection, and some requests for custom fields. |
SuiteAnalytics Workbook (VIEW) | Found under Permissions -> Reports. Required for SuiteQL access. |
Other Custom Fields (VIEW) | Allows users to see custom fields of the "other" type. Used with IncludeCustomFieldColumns. |
OAuth 2.0 Authorized Applications Management | Primarily for the Administrator role, enables the user to view or revoke any OAuth 2.0 authorized applications in the account. |
User Access Token | Allows a user to have tokens created for them via ether Token Based Authentication or OAuth. |
Other Permissions
Section | Permission | Used For (SuiteTalk Schema) | Used For (SuiteQL Schema) |
Permissions => Custom Record | [Custom Record Name] | Access to the given custom record table | Access to the given custom record table |
Permissions => Lists | Accounts | Access to the Account table | Access to the Account table |
Permissions => Lists | Bins | Access to the Bin table | Access to the Bin table |
Permissions => Lists | Calendar | Access to the CalendarEvent table along with the Events permission | Access to the CalendarEvent table along with the Events permission |
Permissions => Lists | Cases | Access to the SupportCase table | Access to the SupportCase table |
Permissions => Lists | Classes | Access to the Classification table | Access to the Classification table |
Permissions => Lists | Contacts | Access to the Contact table | Access to the Contact table |
Permissions => Lists | Currency | Access to the Currency table | Access to the Currency table |
Permissions => Lists | Customers | Access to the Customer table | Access to the Customer table |
Permissions => Lists | Departments | Access to the Department table | Access to the Department table |
Permissions => Lists | Documents and Files | Access to the File and Folder tables | Access to the File table |
Permissions => Lists | Employee Record | Access to the Employee tables | Access to the Employee table |
Permissions => Lists | Events | Access to the CalendarEvent table along with the Calendars permission | Access to the CalendarEvent table along with the Calendars permission |
Permissions => Lists | Items | Access to various Item tables such as DiscountItem, InventoryItem, NonInventoryItem, etc. | Access to the Item table |
Permissions => Lists | Locations | Access to the Location table | Access to the Location table |
Permissions => Lists | Phone Calls | Access to the PhoneCall table | Access to the PhoneCall table |
Permissions => Lists | Project Tasks | Access to the ProjectTask table | Access to the ProjectTask table |
Permissions => Lists | Subsidiaries | Access to the Subsidiary table | Access to the Subsidiary table |
Permissions => Lists | Tasks | Access to the Task table | Access to the Task table |
Permissions => Lists | Vendors | Access to the Vendor table | Access to the Vendor table |
Permissions => Transactions | [Custom Transaction Name] | Access to retrieving data from the specific custom transaction via the special Transactions table | Access to retrieving data from the specific custom transaction type via the transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Build Assemblies | Access to the AssemblyBuild table | Access the Build type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | CashSale | Access to the CashSale table | Access the CashSale type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | CashSaleRefund | Access to the CashRefund table | Access the CashRfnd type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Charge | Access to the Charge table | Access the CardChrg type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Check | Access to the Check table | Access the Check type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Credit Memo | Access to the CreditMemo table | Access the Credit Memo type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Deposit | Access to the Deposit table | Access the Deposit type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Enter Vendor Credits | Access to the VendorCredit table | Access the VendorCredit type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Fulfill Orders | Access to the ItemFulfillments table | Access the Item Fulfillment type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Invoice | Access to the Invoice table | Access the Invoice type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Item Receipt | Access to the ItemReceipt table | Access the ItemRcpt type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Opportunity | Access to the Opportunity table | Access the Opportunity type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Purchase Order | Access to the PurchaseOrder table | Access the PurchOrd type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Sales Order | Access to the SalesOrder table | Access the SalesOrd type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Transfer Order | Access to the TransferOrder table | Access the TrnfrOrd type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Vendor Bill Approval | Access to the VendorCredit table | Access the VendorCredit type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Vendor Return Authorization | Access to the VendorReturnAuthorization table | Access the Vendor Return Authorization type from the Transaction table |
Permissions => Transactions | Work Order | Access to the WorkOrder table | Access the WorkOrd type from the Transaction table |