Tableau Connector for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The transactionLine table.


Name Type References Description
uniquekey [KEY] Integer Unique Key
id [KEY] Integer ID
actualshipdate Date Actual Ship/Receipt/Pickup Date
accountinglinetype Date Amort. End Date
amortizationresidual String Residual
amortizationsched String Amort. Schedule
amortizstartdate Date Amort. Start Date
amountlinked Decimal Amount Linked
assemblycomponent Boolean Assembly Component
billeddate Date Date Billed
billingschedule String Billing Schedule
billvariancestatus String Bill Variance Status
blandedcost Boolean Landed Cost
bomquantity Decimal BOM Quantity
buildvariance Double Build Variance
category String Expense Category
chargetype String Charge Type
class String Class
cleared Boolean Cleared
cleareddate Date Date Cleared
commitinventory String Commit
commitmentfirm Boolean Commitment Confirmed
componentyield Double Component Yield
costestimate Decimal Est. Cost
costestimaterate String Est. Rate
costestimatetype String Cost Estimate Type
createdfrom String Created From
createdpo String Special Order
creditforeignamount Decimal Amount (Credit) (Transaction Currency)
debitforeignamount Decimal Amount (Debit) (Transaction Currency)
department String Department
documentnumber String Document Number
donotdisplayline Boolean Technical Line
dropship Boolean Drop Ship Item
entity String Entity
estgrossprofit Decimal Est. Gross Profit
estgrossprofitpercent Double Est. Gross Profit Percent
estimatedamount Decimal Estimated Amount
expectedreceiptdate Date Expected Receipt Date
expectedshipdate Date Expected Ship Date
expenseaccount String Expense Account
foreignamount Decimal Amount (Transaction Currency)
foreignamountpaid Decimal Amount Paid (Transaction Currency)
foreignamountunpaid Decimal Amount Unpaid (Transaction Currency)
foreignpaymentamountunused Decimal Payment Amount Unused (Transaction Currency)
foreignpaymentamountused Decimal Payment Amount Used (Transaction Currency)
fulfillable Boolean To Be Fulfilled / Received
fxamountlinked Decimal Amount Linked (Transaction Currency)
hasfulfillableitems Boolean Fulfillable
inventorylocation String Inventory Location
inventoryreportinglocation String Inventory Reporting Location
inventorysubsidiary String Inventory Subsidiary
isbillable Boolean Billable
isclosed Boolean Closed
iscogs Boolean Is COGS
isfullyshipped Boolean Fully Shipped/Received/Picked Up
isfxvariance Boolean Is Fx Variance
isinventoryaffecting Boolean Inventory Affecting
isrevrectransaction Boolean Is Amortization/Revenue Recognition
isscrap Boolean Is Scrap
item String Item
itemtype String Item Type
kitcomponent Boolean Kit Component
kitmemberof Integer Member of Line
landedcostcategory String Landed Cost Category
landedcostperline Boolean Landed Cost per Line
linelastmodifieddate Datetime Line Last Modified Date
linesequencenumber Integer Line Number
location String Location
mainline Boolean Main Line
matchbilltoreceipt Boolean Match Bill To Receipt
memo String Memo
netamount Decimal Amount (Net) (Transaction Currency)
oldcommitmentfirm Boolean -No label-
orderpriority Double Order Priority
paymentmethod String Payment Method
price String Price Level
processedbyrevcommit Boolean Processed by Rev Commit
quantity Double Quantity
quantitybackordered Double Back Ordered
quantitybilled Double Quantity Billed
quantitycommitted Double Committed
quantityonshipments Double Quantity On Shipments
quantitypicked Double Quantity Picked
quantityrejected Double Quantity Rejected
quantityshiprecv Double Quantity Shipped/Received/Picked Up
rate Decimal Rate
requestdate Date Requested Date
requestnote String Request Note
shipmethod String Ship Via
specialorder Boolean Special Order Item
subsidiary String Subsidiary
taxline Boolean Tax Line
transaction String Transaction
transactiondiscount Boolean Transaction Discount
transactionlinetype String Line Type
transferorderitemlineid Integer Transfer Order Item Line Id
units String Units
vsoeisestimate Boolean Estimate

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Build 24.0.8963