Tableau Connector for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The SystemNote2 table.


Name Type References Description
actor String Author
context String Context
datefrom Date Date From
dateto Date Date to
elementfullname String Element Full Name
instancename String Object Name
locale String Locale
objectactiontype String Object Action Type
objectelementkey Integer Object Element Key
objectelementname String Object Element Name
objectid Integer Object Id
objectparent Integer Parent Object Id
objectroot Integer Root Object Id
role Integer Role ID
rolename String Role
rootinstancename String Root Object Name
rootobjectbkey1 Boolean Root Object - Boolean Key #1
rootobjectbkey2 Boolean Root Object - Boolean Key #2
rootobjectdkey1 Date Root Object - Date Key
rootobjectelementkey Integer Root Object Element Key
rootobjectelementname String Root Object Element Name
rootobjectnkey1 Integer Root Object - Numeric Key #1
rootobjectnkey2 Integer Root Object - Numeric Key #2
rootobjectnkey3 Integer Root Object - Numeric Key #3
rootobjectnkey4 Integer Root Object - Numeric Key #4
rootobjectskey1 String Root Object - String Key #1
rootobjectskey3 String Root Object - String Key #3
runid Integer Run ID
timestamputc Date Date Changed
valueactiontype String Value Action Type
valuedatatype String Value Data Type
valueelementkey Integer Value Element Key
valuenewboolean Boolean New Boolean Value
valuenewdate Date New Date Value
valuenewdisplayname String New Display Value
valuenewnumber Decimal New Numeric Value
valuenewreference Integer New Reference - Part 1
valuenewreference2 Integer New Reference - Part 2
valuenewstring String New String Value
valueoldboolean Boolean Old Boolean Value
valueolddate Date Old Date Value
valueolddisplayname String Old Display Value
valueoldnumber Decimal Old Numeric Value
valueoldreference Integer Old Reference - Part 1
valueoldreference2 Integer Old Reference - Part 2
valueoldstring String Old String Value

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963