Tableau Connector for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The item table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
accbookrevrecforecastrule String Accounting Book Rev Rec Forecast Rule
account String Account
accountingbook String Accounting Book
amortizationperiod Integer Amortization Period
amortizationtemplate Integer Amortization Template
assetaccount Integer Asset Account
accountingbookamortization String Accounting Book Amortization Schedule
accountingbookcreateplanson String Accounting Book Create Revenue Plans On
accountingbookrevrecrule String Accounting Book Revenue Recognition Rule
accountingbookrevrecschedule String Accounting Book Rev. Rec. Schedule
alternatedemandsourceitem String Alternate Source Item
atpleadtime Double ATP Lead Time
atpmethod String Default ATP Method
autoleadtime Boolean Auto-Calculate Lead Time
autopreferredstocklevel Boolean Auto-Calculate Preferred Stock Level
autoreorderpoint Boolean Auto-Calculate Reorder Point
availabletopartners Boolean Available to Partners
averagecost Decimal Average Cost
backwardconsumptiondays Integer Backward Consumption Days
binnumber String Bin Number
binonhandavail Double Bin On Hand Available
binonhandcount Double Bin On Hand Count
bomquantity Double BOM Quantity
buildentireassembly Boolean Build Sub-Assemblies
buildtime Double Work Order Variable Lead Time
buildtimelotsize Double Work Order Lead Time Lot Size
buyitnowprice Decimal eBay Buy It Now Price
billexchratevarianceacct Integer Exchange Rate Variance Account
billingschedule Integer Billing Schedule
billpricevarianceacct Integer Price Variance Account
billqtyvarianceacct Integer Quantity Variance Account
caption String Store Display Name
category String Category
class String Class
commercecatalogid String Commerce Catalog
commercecategoryenddate Datetime Commerce Category End Date
commercecategoryid String Commerce Category
commercecategoryisinactive Boolean Commerce Category Is Inactive
commercecategoryisprimary Boolean Commerce Category Is Primary
commercecategoryname String Commerce Category Name
commercecategorystartdate Datetime Commerce Category Start Date
component String Component Item
componentof String Component Of
componentyield Double Component Yield
consumptionunit String Consumption Unit
contingentrevenuehandling Boolean Eligible For Contingent Revenue Handling
conversionrate Double Conversion Rate
copydescription Boolean Copy SO Descr.
correlateditem String Correlated Item
correlateditemcorrelation Double Correlated Item Correlation
correlateditemcount Integer Correlated Item Count
correlateditemlift Double Correlated Item Lift
correlateditempurchaserate Double Correlated Item PurchaseRate
cost Decimal Purchase Price
costaccountingstatus String Cost Accounting Status
costcategory String Cost Category
costestimate Double Item Defined Cost
costestimatetype String Cost Estimate Type
costingmethod String Costing Method
countryofmanufacture String Manufacturer Country
created Datetime Date Created
createjob Boolean Create Job
createrevenueplanson String Create Revenue Plans On
currentstandardcost Decimal Current Standard Cost
currentstdcosteffectivedate Date Current Standard Cost Effective Date
createddate Date Date Created
createexpenseplanson Integer Create Expense Plans On
custreturnvarianceaccount Integer Customer Return Variance Account
dateviewed Datetime Date Viewed
daysbeforeexpiration Double Days Before Expiration
deferralaccount Integer Deferred Expense
defaultreturncost Decimal Default Return Cost
deferrevrec Boolean Hold Revenue Recognition
demandmodifier Double Estimated Demand Change
demandsource String Demand Source
department String Department
description String Description
directrevenueposting Boolean Direct Revenue Posting
displayinebaystore Boolean eBay Store
displayname String Display Name
distributioncategory String Distribution Category
distributionnetwork String Distribution Network
dontshowprice Boolean Don't Show Price
demandtimefence Integer Demand Time Fence
dropshipexpenseaccount Integer Dropship Expense Account
ebayitemdescription String eBay Description
ebayitemsubtitle String eBay Subtitle
ebayitemtitle String eBay Title
ebayrelistingoption String eBay Relisting Option
enforceminqtyinternally Boolean Enforce Minimum Internally
effectivebomcontrol String Effective BOM Control
effectivedate Date Effective Date
effectiverevision String Effective Revision
expenseamortizationrule Integer Expense Amortization Rule
enablecatchweight Boolean Enable Catch Weight
endauctionswhenoutofstock Boolean eBay End Auctions When Out of Stock
excludefromsitemap Boolean Exclude From Sitemap
externalid String External ID
externalidstring String External ID (Text)
featureddescription String Featured Description
feeddescription String Feed Description
feedname String Feed Name
fixedbuildtime Double Work Order Fixed Lead Time
fixedlotsize Double Fixed Lot Size
formuladate Date Formula (Date)
formulanumeric Double Formula (Numeric)
formulatext String Formula (Text)
forwardconsumptiondays Integer Forward Consumption Days
fraudrisk String Fraud Risk
froogleproductfeed Boolean Google Base Product Feed
futurehorizon Integer Supply Chain Future Horizon
fxcost Decimal Purchase Price (Foreign Currency)
generateaccruals Boolean Generate Accruals
giftcertauthcode String Gift Certificate Code
giftcertemail String Gift Certificate To (Email)
fullname String Full Name
gainlossaccount Integer Gain/Loss Account
giftcertexpdate Date Gift Certificate Expiration Date
giftcertfrom String Gift Certificate From (Name)
giftcertmsg String Gift Certificate Message
giftcertorigamt String Gift Certificate Original Amount
giftcertrecipient String Gift Certificate To (Name)
handlingcost Decimal Handling Cost
imageurl String Image URL
internalid String Internal ID
includechildren Boolean Include Children
internalidnumber Integer Internal ID (Number)
incomeaccount Integer Income Account
inventorylocation String Inventory Location
invtclassification String Inventory Classification
invtcountinterval Integer Inventory Count Interval
isavailable Boolean Is Available?
isdonationitem Boolean Variable Amount
isdropshipitem Boolean Drop Ship Item
isfulfillable Boolean Can be Fulfilled
isgcocompliant Boolean Google Checkout Compliant
isinactive Boolean Inactive
islotitem Boolean Is Lot Numbered Item
isonline Boolean Display in Web Site
ispreferredvendor Boolean Vendor is Preferred
isserialitem Boolean Is Serialized Item
isspecialorderitem Boolean Special Order Item
isspecialworkorderitem Boolean Special Work Order Item
isstorepickupallowed Boolean Store Pickup Allowed
issueproduct String Product
isphantom Boolean Phantom
istaxable Boolean Taxable
isvsoebundle Boolean Is VSOE Bundle?
iswip Boolean WIP
itemid String Name (Internal)
itemprocessfamily String Item Process Family
itemprocessgroup String Item Process Group
itemurl String Item URL
itemtype String Type
lastinvtcountdate Date Last Inventory Count Date
lastmodifieddate Datetime Last Modified
lastpurchaseprice Decimal Last Purchase Price
lastquantityavailablechange Datetime Last Quantity Available Change
leadtime Integer Lead Time
listingduration String eBay Duration
location String Location
locationadvwarningthreshold Integer Location Firm/Release Advance Warning Threshold
locationallowstorepickup Boolean Location Allow Store Pickup
locationatpleadtime Double Location ATP Lead Time
locationaveragecost Decimal Location Average Cost
locationbuildtime Double Location Work Order Lead Time
locationbuildtimelotsize Double Location Work Order Lead Time Lot Size
locationcost Decimal Location Standard Cost
locationcostaccountingstatus String Location Cost Accounting Status
locationdefaultreturncost Decimal Location Default Return Cost
locationdemandsource String Location Demand Source
locationfixedbuildtime Integer Location Work Order Fixed Lead Time
locationfixedlotsize Double Location Fixed Lot Size
locationinvtclassification String Location Inventory Classification
locationinvtcountinterval Integer Location Inventory Count Interval
locationlastinvtcountdate Date Location Last Inventory Count Date
locationlatedemandthreshold Double Location High Impact Late Demand Threshold
locationlateperioddays Integer Location Late Period Days
locationleadtime Integer Location Lead Time
locationminimumrescheduledays Integer Location Minimum Reschedule Days
locationnextinvtcountdate Date Location Next Inventory Count Date
locationpastdueforecastdays Integer Location Past Due Forecast Days
locationpreferredstocklevel Double Location Preferred Stock Level
locationqtyavailforstorepickup Double Location Available for Store Pickup
locationquantityavailable Double Location Available
locationquantitybackordered Double Location Back Ordered
locationquantitycommitted Double Location Committed
locationquantityintransit Double Location In Transit
locationquantityonhand Double Location On Hand
locationquantityonorder Double Location On Order
locationreorderpoint Double Location Reorder Point
locationreschedulehorizon Integer Location Reschedule Horizon
locationrescheduleindays Integer Location Reschedule In Days
locationrescheduleoutdays Integer Location Reschedule Out Days
locationsafetystocklevel Double Location Safety Stock Level
locationstorepickupbufferstock Double Location Store Pickup Buffer Stock
locationsupplylotsizingmethod String Location Supply Lot Sizing Method
locationsupplytype String Location Supply Type
locationtotalvalue Decimal Location Total Value
lowerwarninglimit Double Lower Warning Limit
manufacturer String Manufacturer
manufactureraddr1 String Manufacturer Address
manufacturercity String Manufacturer City
manufacturerstate String Manufacturer State
manufacturertariff String Manufacturer Tariff
manufacturertaxid String Manufacturer Tax Id
manufacturerzip String Manufacturer Zip
matchbilltoreceipt Boolean Match Bill To Receipt
matrix Boolean Matrix Item
maxdonationamount String Maximum Variable Amount
manufacturingchargeitem Boolean Manufacturing Charge Item
matrixchild Boolean Matrix Child Item
matrixitemnametemplate String Matrix Item Name Template
matrixtype String Matrix Type
maximumquantity Integer Maximum Quantity
metataghtml String Meta Tag Html
minimumquantity Integer Minimum Quantity
mossapplies Boolean MOSS Applies
mpn String MPN
multmanufactureaddr Boolean Multiple Manufacture Addresses
nextagcategory String NexTag Category
nextagproductfeed Boolean NexTag Product Feed
nextinvtcountdate Date Next Inventory Count Date
numactivelistings Integer eBay Active Listings
numberalloweddownloads Double Number of Allowed Downloads
numcurrentlylisted Integer eBay Quantity Currently Listed
obsoletedate Date Obsolete Date
nopricemessage String No Price Message
obsoleterevision String Obsolete Revision
offersupport Boolean Offer Support
onlinecustomerprice Decimal Online Customer Price
onspecial Boolean On Special
othervendor String Vendor
outofstockbehavior String Out Of Stock Behavior
overheadtype String Overhead Type
overallquantitypricingtype String Overall Qty. Pricing Type
pagetitle String Page Title
parent String Sub-Item Of
periodiclotsizetype String Periods of Supply Type
preferredlocation Integer Preferred Location
planningitemcategory String Planning Item Category
outofstockmessage String Out Of Stock Message
preferencecriterion String Preference Criterion
preferredbin Boolean Preferred Bin
preferredlocation String Preferred Location
preferredstocklevel Double Preferred Stock Level
preferredstockleveldays Integer Preferred Stock Level Days
price Decimal Sales Price
pricesincludetax Boolean Prices Include Tax
pricinggroup String Pricing Group
primarycategory Integer eBay Category Id
purchaseorderamount Double Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Amount Tolerance
purchaseorderquantity Double Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Tolerance
purchaseorderquantitydiff Double Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Difference
printitems Boolean Print Items
prodpricevarianceacct Integer Production Price Variance Account
prodqtyvarianceacct Integer Production Quantity Variance Account
projecttemplate Integer Project Template
purchasedescription String Purchase Description
purchaseunit String Purchase Unit
purchasepricevarianceacct Integer Purchase Price Variance Account
quantityavailable Double Available
quantitybackordered Double Back Ordered
quantitycommitted Double Committed
quantityonhand Double On Hand
quantityonorder Double On Order
quantitypricingschedule String Qty. Pricing Schedule
receiptamount Double Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Amount Tolerance
receiptquantity Double Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance
receiptquantitydiff Double Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Difference
reordermultiple Integer Reorder Multiple
reorderpoint Double Reorder Point
rescheduleindays Integer Reschedule In Days
rescheduleoutdays Integer Reschedule Out Days
reserveprice Decimal eBay Reserve Price
relateditemsdescription String Related Items Description
revrecforecastrule String Rev Rec Forecast Rule
revrecschedule String Rev. Rec. Schedule
residual Double Residual
roundupascomponent Boolean Round Up Quantity as Component
rotationtype String Rotation Type
safetystocklevel Double Safety Stock Level
safetystockleveldays Integer Safety Stock Level Days
salesdescription String Description
saleunit String Sale Unit
sameasprimarybookamortization Boolean Same as Primary Book Amortization
sameasprimarybookrevrec Boolean Same as Primary Book Rev. Rec.
schedulebcode String Schedule B Code
schedulebnumber String Schedule B Number
schedulebquantity String Schedule B Quantity
searchkeywords String Search Keywords
scrapacct Integer Scrap Account
seasonaldemand Boolean Seasonal Demand
secondaryconsumptionunit String Secondary Consumption Unit
secondarypurchaseunit String Secondary Purchase Unit
secondarysaleunit String Secondary Sale Unit
secondarystockunit String Secondary Stock Unit
secondaryunitstype String Secondary Units Type
sellonebay Boolean eBay Auction
serialnumber String Serial/Lot Number
serialnumberlocation String Serial/Lot Number Location
shipindividually Boolean Ships Individually
shippackage String Shipping Package
shippingrate Decimal Shipping Rate
shoppingdotcomcategory String Shopping Category
shippingcost Decimal Shipping Cost
shoppingproductfeed Boolean Shopping Product Feed
shopzillacategoryid Integer Shopzilla Category Id
shopzillaproductfeed Boolean Shopzilla Product Feed
sitemappriority Double Sitemap Priority
softdescriptor String Soft Descriptor
startingprice Decimal eBay Starting Price
stockdescription String Stock Description
stockunit String Stock Unit
storedescription String Store Description
showdefaultdonationamount Boolean Show Default Amount
subsidiary String Subsidiary
subtype String Sub Type
supplylotsizingmethod String Supply Lot Sizing Method
supplyreplenishmentmethod String Replenishment Method
storedetaileddescription String Detailed Description
supplytype String Supply Type
storedisplayimage Integer Item Display Image
storedisplayname String Store Display Name
storedisplaythumbnail Integer Item Display Thumbnail
supplytimefence Integer Planning Time Fence
taxcode String Tax Code
taxschedule String Tax Schedule
thumbnailurl String Thumbnail URL
totalvalue Decimal Total Value
totalquantityonhand Double Total Quantity On Hand
tracklandedcost Boolean Track Landed Cost
transferprice Double Transfer Price
type String Type
unitstype String Units Type
unbuildvarianceaccount Integer Unbuild Variance Account
upccode String UPC Code
upperwarninglimit Double Upper Warning Limit
urlcomponent String URL Component
usebins Boolean Use Bins
usecomponentyield Boolean Use Component Yield
usemarginalrates Boolean Use Marginal Rates
vendor String Preferred Vendor
vendorcode String Vendor Code
vendorcost Decimal Vendor Price
vendreturnvarianceaccount Integer Vendor Return Variance Account
vendorcostentered Decimal Vendor Price (Entered)
vendorname String Vendor Name
vendorpricecurrency String Vendor Price Currency
vsoedeferral String Deferral
vsoedelivered Boolean Default as Delivered
vsoepermitdiscount String Permit Discount
vsoeprice Double VSOE Price
vsoesopgroup String Allocation Type
website String Web Site
weight Double Weight
weightunit Integer Weight Unit
weightunits String Weight Units
wipacct Integer WIP Account
wipvarianceacct Integer WIP Variance Account
yahooproductfeed Boolean Yahoo Shopping Product Feed

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Build 24.0.8963