Tableau Connector for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The customer table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
accountnumber String Account
alcoholrecipienttype String Alcohol Recipient Type
altemail String Alt. Email
altname String Customer
assignedwebsite String Assigned Web Site
balancesearch Decimal Balance
billingratecard String Billing Rate Card
billingschedule String Billing Schedule
billingtransactiontype String Billing Transaction Type
billpay Boolean Enable Online Bill Pay
buyingreason String Buying Reason
buyingtimeframe String Buying Time Frame
campaignevent String Campaign Event
category String Category
clickstream String Click-Stream (1st Visit)
comments String Comments
companyname String Company Name
consolbalancesearch Decimal Consolidated Balance
consoldaysoverduesearch Integer Consolidated Days Overdue
consoloverduebalancesearch Decimal Consolidated Overdue Balance
consolunbilledorderssearch Decimal Consolidated Unbilled Orders
contact String Primary Contact
contactlist String Contacts
creditholdoverride String Credit Hold
creditlimit Decimal Credit Limit
currency String Currency
datecreated Date Date Created
defaultbankaccount String Default Bank Account
defaultbillingaddress String Default Billing Address
defaultorderpriority Double Default Order Priority
defaultshippingaddress String Default Shipping Address
duplicate Boolean Duplicate
email String Email
emailpreference String Email Preference
emailtransactions Boolean Email Transactions
enddate Date End Date
entityid String Entity ID
entitynumber Integer Number
entitystatus String Status
entitytitle String Customer ID
estimatedbudget Decimal Estimated Budget
externalid String External ID
faxtransactions Boolean Fax Transactions
firstname String First Name
firstorderdate Date First Sales Order Date
firstsaledate Date First Sale Date
firstvisit Date First Visit
giveaccess Boolean Login Access
globalsubscriptionstatus String Global Subscription Status
isbudgetapproved Boolean Budget Approved
isinactive Boolean Inactive
isperson Boolean Is Individual
keywords String Search Engine Keywords (1st Visit)
lastmodifieddate Date Last Modified Date
lastname String Last Name
lastorderdate Date Last Sales Order Date
lastpagevisited String Last Page Visited
lastsaledate Date Last Sales Date
lastvisit Date Last Visit
leadsource String Lead Source
middlename String Middle Name
negativenumberformat String Negative Number Format
numberformat String Number Format
oncredithold Boolean On Credit Hold
overduebalancesearch Decimal Overdue
parent String Parent
partner String Partner
phoneticname String Furigana
prefccprocessor String Preferred Payment Processing Profile
pricelevel String Price Level
printoncheckas String Print on Check As
printtransactions Boolean Print Transactions
probability Double Probability
receivablesaccount String Default Receivables Account
referrer String Referrer (1st Visit)
reminderdays Integer Reminder Days
resalenumber String Resale Number
salesreadiness String Sales Readiness
salesrep String Sales Rep
salutation String Mr./Ms...
searchstage String Stage
shipcomplete Boolean Ship Complete
shippingcarrier String Carrier
shippingitem String Shipping Item
sourcewebsite String Source Web Site
startdate Date Start Date
terms String Terms
territory String Territory
thirdpartyacct String 3rd Party Billing Account Number
thirdpartycarrier String 3rd Party Billing Carrier
thirdpartycountry String 3rd Party Billing Country
thirdpartyzipcode String 3rd Party Billing Zip
title String Job Title
unbilledorderssearch Decimal Unbilled Orders
visits Integer Number of Visits

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Build 24.0.8963