Tableau Connector for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The assemblyItemLocations table.


Name Type References Description
atpleadtime Integer ATP Lead Time
averagecostmli Decimal Average Cost
backwardconsumptiondays Integer Backward Consumption Days
cost Decimal Standard Cost
costaccountingstatus String Cost Accounting Status
costinglotsize Double Costing Lot Size
currentstandardcost Decimal Current Standard Cost
currentstandardcosteffectivedate Date Current Standard Cost Effective Date
defaultreturncost Decimal Default Return Cost
demandsource String Demand Source
demandtimefence Integer Demand Time Fence
fixedlotsize Double Fixed Lot Size
forwardconsumptiondays Integer Forward Consumption Days
inventorycosttemplate String Inventory Cost Template
invtclassification String Classification
invtcountinterval Integer Count Interval
iswip Boolean WIP
item String Item
lastinvtcountdate Date Last Count Date
lastpurchasepricemli Decimal Last Purchase Price
location String Location
nextinvtcountdate Date Next Count Date
onhandvaluemli Decimal Value
periodiclotsizedays Integer Periods of Supply Increment
periodiclotsizetype String Periods of Supply Type
preferredstocklevel Double Preferred Stock Level
qtyintransitexternal Double Quantity In Transit (External)
quantityavailable Double Quantity Available
quantitybackordered Double Quantity Back Ordered
quantitycommitted Double Quantity Committed
quantityintransit Double Quantity In Transit
quantityonhand Double Quantity On Hand
quantityonorder Double Quantity On Order
reorderpoint Double Build Point
rescheduleindays Integer Reschedule In Days
rescheduleoutdays Integer Reschedule Out Days
supplylotsizingmethod String Lot Sizing Method
supplytimefence Integer Planning Time Fence
supplytype String Supply Type

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Build 24.0.8963